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Page 9

  He reared back, his eyes still twinkling as they had been before. “Oh, yeah? You better not be trying to run away from me because I will whip your ass.”

  I gave him a pouting look before pulling away. “Don’t worry, Vader. I wouldn’t dream of it.” I eased away, cognizant he was watching everything I did. Shivers coursed down my spine, my legs quivering as I headed for my bedroom, glancing around the room at the number of candles I’d positioned on almost every surface. Maybe I was a hopeless romantic after all.

  The bathroom was much the same. While the majority were flameless, I lit every one of them after starting a bath. A bath? With a man like Vader? What was I thinking? He would probably laugh at my stupidity, walking away in a huff.

  He was far too much of a brute, likely incapable of appreciating something so frivolous. However, it was obvious how enamored he was with ice cream. I giggled at the thought, the stickiness on my tummy matching the juice from my pussy remaining on my legs. Even my hand was shaking when I added some bubbles. What the hell? I might as well shoot the moon.

  And live a little.

  While I adored my house, what had sold me on purchasing it after the divorce was the oversized whirlpool soaking tub, the block glass window covering a good portion of the wall behind it. It was the perfect location to get away from the toils of work, the ugliness of everything I’d been through the last couple of years. But I’d never shared it with any man. Not one.

  That’s when I realized I hadn’t bothered to go out on a second date. I wasn’t even certain if I would be good at it any longer. Maybe I didn’t have to worry about that with a man like Vader.

  When I was satisfied, I finally headed out of the bathroom, finding him lounging on my bed. I was taken aback, the single light I’d turned on accentuating every muscle. For so many reasons, his behavior during the last couple of hours was surprising.

  As if he was truly enjoying himself, letting go of whatever demons continued to haunt him. When I moved to the end of the bed, he rose onto his elbows, studying me intently. I beckoned him with a single finger, backing away, uncertain he’d even follow.

  I got into the tub, turning away from the door, sinking into the water immediately. I didn’t hear his approach; I sensed it by the torrent of electricity surging through me, a desire that would never be satisfied.

  And by his rich and intoxicating scent, so rugged and masculine that it took my breath away.

  I knew he was standing behind me, likely debating what the hell he was going to do. There was nothing like the excitement as he stepped into the water, standing behind me and gently scooting me forward. As he sat down, water sloshed all over the floor and I realized that my entire house was going to be a mess by the morning. What a joyous thing to clean up.

  Vader kept his arms on the sides of the tub, but his legs were wide open and when I eased back against his chest, he bent his legs, securing me against him. The move was as startling as the man himself.

  He absently trickled water over my arms and chest, lightly rubbing my skin. The feel of his cock pushing against my bottom kept me on edge, the intimacy something I would never have expected.

  “Are you going to tell me your real name?”

  “You don’t like Vader?”

  “I’m going to guess it suits you,” I whispered, nuzzling against him. “But you know my name so it’s only fair.”

  “Not that you trusted me enough to tell me, Senator.”

  “We weren’t about getting to know each other’s past the other night.”

  “True enough.”

  As he’d done so many times, he simply stopped talking.

  “Why did you join the military?”

  “Why did you become a senator?”

  I swiveled around to face him, forcing my legs over his. “Because I wanted to help people in this state.”

  “And are you doing that?”

  “Sometimes, although I’m not good playing politics.”

  He chuckled, easing a strand of hair from my face. “Don’t worry. Neither was I.”

  “So you’re not going to answer me.”

  The wistful look in his eyes returned. “We were six boys from Montana who enlisted together a long time ago. Five returned. That’s all that needs to be said.”

  While the sentences were short, they told me volumes. I inched as close to him as possible, taking my time to splash suds around his chest, using a single finger to trace the various tattoos. He remained quiet, but there was much on his mind. Sadly, he had no reason to trust me. We meant nothing to each other.

  “Let me see your hand,” I told him, reaching for his bandaged fingers.

  “I’m fine.”

  “I’ve heard that before. Allow me to see your burn.” I refused to take no for an answer, gently taking his hand into mine. His eyes held the kind of intensity that sent shivers down my spine as I carefully unwrapped the bandage. While the burn didn’t look significant, his fingers had to be hurting. “You could have died in that room.”

  “You wanted your things.”

  “And I was a fool.” I brushed the tip of my finger down his index finger before bringing his hand closer to my mouth. Very gently I pressed my lips against the redness, taking my time to slide my mouth down one finger and up the other.

  Vader’s breathing changed, becoming more ragged as he watched me, remaining so still as if mesmerized.

  “Your touch is tender,” he whispered.

  “I think that’s what you need.” I pulled his hand to my cheek, sighing as he caressed my skin. He’d truly been my hero, although he would never accept the term.

  “As I said, I’m fine, Franny. Stop worrying.” He removed his hand, once again placing it on the edge of the tub.

  Undaunted, I rolled the tips of my fingers along the muscles in his chest, tingling with every inch. As I moved further down, my hand dipping into the water, he took an exaggerated breath.

  “Careful there, Franny. You don’t want to start something you can’t finish.”

  “You don’t know me very well, Vader. I always finish what I start.” Giving him an evil smile, I continued my exploration, rolling my fingers around his cockhead. Within seconds, his breathing was ragged, the grip he had on the edge of the tub tightening. He closed his eyes, leaning his head against the wall as I toyed with him.

  I slipped my hand down further, squeezing the base before sliding it all the way up, repeating the move several times. Every time I did, his face became more pinched. The man was losing his control and all I could do was smile.

  “You are one bad girl, but I like that. You fake it out for the rest of the world, but I know what you are. And what you want,” he breathed.

  “What do I want?”

  Chuckling, he pulled me against him, his cock sliding inside my pussy. “A man who won’t take any shit from you.”

  I tensed, memories of my time spent with Mitchell flashing into my mind’s eye, but Vader was nothing like the formidable man with a surly attitude. Although both required full control. I had no idea why I was so attracted to Vader, but he was the epitome of every girl’s fantasy, a man I couldn’t get enough of.

  Exhaling, the feel of his cock as it throbbed, swelling in my tight channel took my breath away. I realized almost instantly that this wasn’t about brute force or the need to have full control over me. As he rubbed his hands up and down my back, his eyes never leaving mine, we rocked together, not a single drop of water spilling out over the edge of the tub.

  I rubbed the backs of my fingers across his cheek, shivering even in the warm water. This was even more passionate than before, the subtle and very gentle intimacy touching every part of me inside.

  Including my heart.

  I told myself that I hadn’t wanted to be with anyone ever again. I also promised my soul that I’d protect wounds that would never be able to heal. But just being with him made me realize how much I’d missed the closeness, the ability to let go if only for a little while. The man might
be of few words, his distrust of the human race obviously as significant as my own, the connection we’d already built was powerful. And I wanted more. God help me, I did.

  He pressed on the small of my back, sliding his hand to the base of my neck, forcing me into a slight arch. When he leaned over, sucking on my nipple, I stared at the white ceiling, unable to stop the subtle moans from pulsing past my lips.

  For the next few minutes, we were as one, moving together in a beautiful, sultry dance of two heated bodies, two broken souls who needed a connection.

  If only for a little while.

  Perhaps I’d gotten my wish, a man who provided no complications, just pleasure beyond belief. While I wondered about him, including how he’d been injured, there was no sense in pressing him for details. After all, it wouldn’t matter.

  We continued rocking together for some time, the heat building between us to an explosive level. When I knew he was close to coming, I squeezed, still rubbing his cheek, enjoying the look of ecstasy crossing his face.

  “Fuck. Fuck…” he murmured, his body jerking several times as he filled me with his seed. Seconds later, he took a deep breath then pulled me against him, my head resting on his chest. There was no mistaking the ragged beating of his heart. As I closed my eyes, I did everything I could to hide the building tension, refusing to spoil the moment.

  For if he asked, I would have to lie to his face.

  I was already falling hard for the broken, brutal man. And I simply couldn’t allow that.

  Chapter 7


  “Sheriff Robertson, this is Senator Montgomery. I wanted to ask you a few questions about the recent fires, including the one at the Big Sky Motel.”

  “Senator Robertson, it’s been a long time,” the sheriff said curtly. She and I had once been friendly, but we were often pitted against each other in the political arena. That had led to bad blood.

  “I know. I think both of us have been busy. What can you tell me about the fires?”

  “I’m curious as to your interest.”

  “From what I’ve seen on television, it would appear that we might have an arsonist in Missoula. You know that anything that happens in the city concerns me.”

  She chuckled, although not in a friendly manner. “That’s something for the mayor to worry about if it’s the case, which it appears it isn’t.”

  “Right. Gas leaks.”

  “Whoever you’re getting your information from concerns me, but yes. That’s what the initial reports say.”

  “So four fires that were all accidental. Seems a little strange to me. I’m just surprised it doesn’t to you.”

  “What are you insinuating, Senator?”

  Fucking fantastic. She was going to play hardball. She should know by now I didn’t take to that very well. As a matter of fact, it was known throughout not only the state but in the walls of Congress that I was a formidable woman who you didn’t want to get on the wrong side of. Or as some called me on a regular basis, a real bitch. “If you don’t mind, just answer the question.”

  She hesitated before answering, likely weighing her odds of pissing me off. “What we know is that every property used gas as their primary heat source. They were all older buildings with gas lines correlating to the age of the buildings. Montana Gas has yet to be able to switch all the lines. It makes sense. The fires were tragic, but unfortunately, if extra pressure is used, there’s always a chance a line can rupture.”

  “Then the gas company is to blame?”

  “Not necessarily. If the lines all received inspection approvals or if the owners refused to allow the changes to occur, Montana Gas has no liability.”

  “But you’re double checking. Right?”

  “What the hell are you trying to get at?” the sheriff demanded.

  Her snippy tone and preachy attitude were doing a good job of riling the hell out of me. I ignored her question.

  “Was anyone hurt in the fires?”

  “Four injuries but no deaths,” she said.

  At least that was something. “Were the buildings connected in any way?”

  “Not that we can find. And if they were accidents, then it doesn’t matter.”

  “So no evidence, no connections, and no suspects, meaning you basically have nothing but assumptions. Do I have that clear?”

  The sheriff snorted. “You should consider a career change, Senator. I have one deputy dedicated to the case, but as far as I’m concerned, there is no arson. I suggest you return to your illustrious job helping the cattle ranchers of this state. If you’re so inclined.”

  “I appreciate your help. Sheriff.” I ended the call, tossing my cell phone and leaning back in the chair. I had the list of the buildings that had been burned. Maybe I would take the opportunity to do my own investigation. My gut was telling me that the fires were a direct result of arson and that the culprit would strike again. And I had a bad feeling that when the asshole did, someone was going to lose their life.

  When the door was flung open, the man walking inside was enough to start an explosion himself. I jerked to a standing position, Janine tumbling into the room behind him.

  “I’m sorry, Senator. I told him you were busy.”

  “Don’t worry about it, Janine. I’ll take it from here.” I folded my arms, walking around my desk and sitting on the edge. “What the hell do you want, Mitchell?” The asshole had the same grin he did every time be barged into my office.

  “Answers, Franny baby.”

  I cringed hearing the term but refused to allow him to see how perturbed I was. He’d taken to using it since our divorce had been signed after the months of my attorney hounding him in order for him to comply. “About?”

  “About the reason you haven’t honored the agreement that you insisted on.”

  “What portion are you talking about?”

  “You know damn good and well about which portion, Francesca.” He sauntered closer, twirling strands of my hair around his fingers. Instead of flinching as I usually did, I simply gave him a hard, cold stare. After a few seconds, he eased away, walking around my desk to the expansive window.

  “We still own a piece of property together. You agreed that it would belong to me.”

  “Only after you agreed to sign over the issues of stock that were clearly identified in the agreement.” I shifted in order to see him. The last thing I wanted to do was to put my back to him. He was too slick and far too oppressive.

  He tossed a look over his broad shoulders. He’d chosen a new suit, likely one that had been tailored for him specifically and my guess was with funds that we’d acquired together.

  “Tell me something, Franny baby. Why are you still using my name?”

  The bastard also knew it was the one thing that bothered me any longer. “We’ve been over it a dozen times, Monty.” The nickname used by his parents was the one weakness I could use.

  “Ah, yes, your career. I’d be careful, Ms. Senator. You’re not well liked in Congress.”

  “Is that some kind of veiled threat?”

  He snickered. “You know I come right out with my threats, Francesca.”

  The game playing was getting on my nerves. There was no reason for him to hold onto the stock other than yanking my chain, which he’d been able to do far too well. However, never again.

  “I will be happy to sign over the useless piece of land as soon as you’ve done the same with what you owe me. Until then, we don’t have a deal. Now, you’re going to have to get the fuck out of my office, Monty. I have actual work to do.”

  Mitchell took a deep breath, holding it until he made his way in front of me. When he exhaled, the stench of his breath was enough to make my stomach nauseous. He gripped my chin, digging his perfectly manicured nails into my skin.

  “I suggest you let go of me,” I said under my breath.

  “You and I were good together, Franny. Don’t you remember the way your body used to writhe underneath me every time I fucked you?�

  “You mean every time you abused me?” I countered, remaining unmoving. The bastard was pulling out all the stops in order to get me riled.

  He kept his hold, his eyes flaring, then turned as he usually did, taking long strides toward the door.

  “Oh, and Monty, you aren’t allowed on this property again. If you do, I won’t bother with a restraining order, which will undoubtedly ruin your career. I’ll simply shoot you between the eyes. Or perhaps I’ll get really personal, just like you enjoyed doing. I’ll use a knife, a serrated one, and I’ll cut out your heart. Oh, I forgot. You don’t have one.”

  I took great satisfaction in the fact he didn’t retort, merely slamming the door behind him. Unfortunately, I sagged, the bravado I’d managed crumbling, but only to a point. I’d kept the promise made to myself.

  The bastard wasn’t going to get to me ever again.

  Growling, I clenched my fist, ready to toss my phone when I heard it ringing again. Seeing Katie’s number gave me a smile, the first since…

  Since Vader had left early that morning, even before dawn had arrived. He’d carried me to bed, tucking me in, while he’d remained on top of the covers, staring at the wall. However, the early morning passion had been just as delicious. At least he’d allowed me to wrap his fingers before he’d left, the moments shared in the bathroom almost as intimate as anything we’d shared together.

  The man was so freaking complicated, wearing his anger with every action he took. Even the way he’d fucked me was as if there would be no tomorrow, a man fighting the bleakness and guilt from the past. The voice inside of me had insisted I run as far away from him as possible, but the passionate woman longing to remain free had pushed me in another direction. I wasn’t certain at this point which side was winning. What I did know is that my nipples ached just thinking about him.

  “Are you there?” Katie asked, laughing.

  I hadn’t realized I’d answered the phone, the daydream far too enticing, a trickle of heat coursing down my spine at the thought of him.

  “I’m sorry. I just had another ugly visit from Mitchell.”