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“Damn that man. You need to hire a hitman.”
It was my turn to laugh. “Don’t worry. I just broke out of my comfort zone and threatened him. What’s up?”
“Shit. I’m not sure I should tell you now.”
“I don’t need to be handled with kid gloves, bestie of mine. I’ve learned how to tolerate the freaking asshole. Talk to me. What do you need?”
Katie sighed. “I was curious about your mystery man. Okay? When you told me that you dropped him off at Big Meadow Ranch, I snooped around a little.”
“You were supposed to be snooping around for information about the fire.”
“I’ll get there. Just hold on.”
I took a deep breath, moving to my chair. I had a feeling that knowing Katie, I’d need to sit down. She was as tenacious of a person as she was a reporter. “Go with the fire first, Katie. Okay?”
“Fine. I don’t think I have anything earth-shattering other than all four properties were behind on their property taxes, but given they’re so low in the state, that doesn’t matter too much. Besides, I checked with the fire investigator and he’s certain these were accidents caused by a leak in the gas lines.”
“Yeah, I don’t buy it for a second. Did you find anything else?”
“Not yet, but I’m still digging to see if there are other connections. From what I can tell, the motel owner has been offered money on the property a few times, turning every one of them down given it’s been in the family for three generations. But again, not much to go on.”
“No, unless they were threatened.”
Katie laughed. “This has become personal for you. Why don’t you buy that they could have all been unfortunate accidents?”
“My instinct has been kicking into overdrive. I just want to know what the city is dealing with. Now, what do you need to tell me about Vader?” I wasn’t ready to go into detail about Vader’s experience.
“You’re not going to like it.”
“That’s already been established. Just tell me.” I tapped my fingers on my desk, still angry that Mitchell had stopped by. I knew the asshole well enough to know he was likely after something. But what? The divorce was final.
“Big Meadow is now owned by a man named Jake Travers. He inherited the property when his father died, and his brother was murdered in a fire almost a year ago.”
“Okay. What does that have to do with Vader?”
“Jake, or Hawk as he uses the majority of the time, enlisted in the Marines with a group of young men from Missoula eight plus years ago. They went through basic training and served one tour, then went their separate ways for years, only to land on the same large base in Afghanistan working as contractors.”
Sighing, I didn’t want to interrupt her, but this wasn’t news. “Katie. I know at least part of this.”
“What you don’t know is that they were assigned a dangerous mission. There were eight of them for the initial action. As you might imagine, it’s top secret so I don’t really know what they were doing, but only seven men returned.”
My curiosity was piqued. “One was killed.”
“Evidently no. He was captured.”
“Six men enlisted. Five men returned.” Vader’s words echoed in the back of my mind.
“Go on.”
“The environment was treacherous at the time and again, I only found out a limited amount of information,” Katie continued, “but their commanding officer didn’t believe that a rescue mission would be successful.”
“Where are you getting this, Katie? That’s definitely top secret. I know enough about military operations.”
“I have my sources, Franny. This is the crazy part. The sergeant in charge of the operation, none other than Jake Travers, refused to allow a soldier to remain behind enemy lines. Plus, there’d been reports other soldiers taken captive were being held in a certain location. So… Hawk, along with his other four buddies from Montana, took it upon themselves to free the fallen man.”
I moved to the edge of my chair, trying to keep my breathing even. “They went against orders.”
“Yep. That’s not the worst part. They failed, the prison compound burning to the ground. They lost their friend and all the other MIA soldiers.”
“Jesus Christ.” No wonder Vader was so angry. “Let me guess. They’re under investigation.”
“They were and all of them were released from their contracts, but none of them were court-martialed. I’m guessing because the major should have followed through with a plan to rescue all the men, but don’t quote me on that. Anyway, out of the blue, someone is opening the case against them all over again.”
“Fuck.” Fuck! I wondered if Vader had any idea.
“I don’t know what could happen, but they could certainly have their ranks stripped, their pensions taken away at minimum. And Vader? His real name is Austin Bridges.”
I held my breath. “I appreciate you telling me.”
“You do realize this means you need to stay away from him. Right?” Katie asked.
“Why? Because he and his buddies tried to save a man’s life and failed?”
“No, because the scandal will follow them to Missoula since every one of the five remaining friends is now back in town. It won’t be good for your career, especially your reelection chances and you know that Mitchell will use it against you. That’s just the kind of fuel he needs to try and ruin you.”
Fuck Mitchell. Sadly, she was right. I hung my head, realizing my hands were shaking. “Thanks, Katie.”
“You’re still going to see him. Aren’t you?”
“I honestly don’t know. I should go.”
“Understood. Just think about what I said. I don’t want to see you hurt any more than you already have been.”
“I know. You’re a great friend.” When I ended the call, a single tear of frustration slipped past my lashes. I rubbed it away furiously. What Vader had endured was horrible. What he might be facing even worse.
What the hell was I going to do?
It wasn’t like we’d exchanged numbers or planned on dating. He’d simply left after issuing three words.
“You’re damn beautiful.”
Maybe I needed to consider myself for a change. As I shoved the phone aside, the decision seemed simple.
The time had been fantastic, but our whirlwind affair was over.
Chapter 8
“Spill it.”
Hawk wasn’t going to leave the fact I knew the senator alone, although I had no intentions of telling him squat. Not only wasn’t it any of his business, but I doubted Francesca would want me to say a damn thing about our tryst. I was damaged goods and nothing more, not suitable for her posh situation. Hell, I wasn’t good for almost anything at this point. I still had no idea what I wanted to do and remaining at Hawk’s wasn’t going to be feasible for much longer.
“I met her. Okay? That’s it. That’s all you get.”
“Uh-huh, which is why you were out all night.”
I glared at him before making the needed turn. “You keeping tabs on me now, Hawk? That’s some crazy shit. You ain’t my father.”
“Whoa, dude. I was just joking. Okay? Lighten up.”
As if that was going to happen any time soon. Both of us remained silent as I reached my destination. “No need to bother waiting. I got it under control from here.” I heard the glitch in Hawk’s breathing before he stormed out of the truck, walking around to the other side.
I climbed out of the truck, studying his face.
“Here,” he said as he tried to hand me a business card, huffing when I didn’t take it from him. “It’s my freaking insurance agent, okay? If you’re buying a vehicle, you need insurance.”
I snapped it out of his hand, shoving it into my pocket. “Thanks.”
“You need to get that chip off your shoulder, Vader. It’s going to eat you alive.”
“You should talk.”
He slammed my shoulder, shoving me against the side of the truck. “I’m your friend in case you haven’t remembered. You have three others that will help you through this. Every one of them came back the same way. Angry. Bitter. Guilt-ridden. Okay? Try and remember that, you insufferable bastard.”
I chuckled, shaking my head. “Yeah, you’re right. I’ll try.” I headed toward the Harley dealership, stopping but not turning around. “The guys still meeting at Raunchy Ride tonight?”
“Yeah, nine sharp. Might be a good icebreaker if you just show up. Grab a beer, maybe two. Like old times.”
Old times. I wished that we could simply get together and remember the crazy stories from our pasts while pelting back a few brews. That wasn’t the right thing to do. “I’ll think about it.”
“Sure you will.”
I could hear the disgust in Hawk’s voice, but I had to push it aside. It was time I started getting my shit straight. That included getting a reliable vehicle.
Or two.
I grinned as I walked closer, eager to select my baby.
The moment I stepped inside, I was shocked that my thoughts drifted to Francesca. I’d love to take her on a long ride, showing her locations in Missoula that she’d likely never seen before. Then I’d ride the beautiful woman. Jesus. Maybe I shouldn’t have spent the night with her.
Like hell. I’d enjoyed every damn minute of it. She’d made me feel more alive than I had in such a long time. But fucking up her life didn’t seem fair.
Just like you fucked up yours.
No, she didn’t need that shit any more than I did. At least I deserved whatever wrath was thrown in my direction. She didn’t.
As I headed toward the motorcycle I was already prepared to buy, I found it difficult to get the vision of her out of my mind.
Christ. The woman had already snagged a piece of me. Maybe letting go wasn’t the answer. Maybe I needed to make good on my blatant words.
Of owning her.
There was nothing quite like the freedom of riding through the mountains on the back of a bike. The Fat Boy was exactly what I’d wanted, the price tag meaning little. As I headed down a long stretch of road, a favorite mountain location my destination, I realized I’d pass by the damn motel. When I neared the site, I slowed down, studying the ruins, the charred remains a strong reminder that we’d been lucky to escape.
While the tragedy gnawed at me, including her continued questions about the fire, I had to let it go. None of my business. I pressed down on the accelerator, taking the curves with ease as I hunkered over the handlebars. I’d purchased a new cell phone after leaving the dealership, not that I wanted to talk to anyone, but communication would be necessary at least occasionally.
The fit was perfect, the sleek black with satin chrome design nothing in comparison to the Milwaukee twin engine, the damn thing powerful as fuck. As the air rushed past me, brisk and invigorating, my muscles finally started to relax. This had been the perfect decision.
I climbed further into the mountains, searching for a sense of peace, needing to find something to awaken my soul that had nothing to do with a sexy woman. The faster I went, the more control I felt over my life.
And my guilt.
Even though the dreams had followed me to Francesca’s house. I’d remained awake the majority of the night, dozing only enough to find myself embroiled in another nightmare. The screams of the men after the explosion would remain with me for the rest of my life. I’d shut down the rest of the world, including the men who’d gone through the same thing. It had been the only way I’d been able to attempt to heal.
Sadly, it had become obvious that I’d failed.
As I powered down the twisted road, something caught my attention. A for-sale sign. Slowing, I pulled over just long enough to think about what I was doing. Maybe purchasing a place of my own was a good idea. Turning around, I shifted into first, rolling toward the gravel driveway, unable to see much of anything given the significant overgrowth. What the hell? It couldn’t hurt to take a look.
I eased up the winding driveway, low-hanging tree limbs smacking me in the face. When I finally reached the house, I took a deep breath. The place was in serious need of work. Obviously abandoned for some time, the small two-story was at least twenty years old, if not more. I yanked off my helmet, scanning the perimeter. The overgrown shrubs had likely been cared for years ago. From where I remained on the bike, I noticed a barn in the distance, the fence in as sad a shape as the rest of the house.
After cutting the engine, I climbed off, leaving the helmet. I walked closer, studying the foundation. While I was no expert on houses, I’d worked construction before enlisting in the Marines. At least I’d be able to handle the majority of renovations.
The steps were cracked, some of the front porch deck boards rotten. At least two of the windows were broken, the thin boards used to cover them certainly not providing any real security. I peered in through the windows, able to see what appeared to be a gorgeous stone fireplace leading to a cathedral ceiling. From what I could tell, there were wooden floors as well.
I remained curious, stepping off the porch and walking around to the side. The front was in much worse shape, but the overgrowth continued all the way to the back. There’d once been a deck, although it had been removed at some point. But from what I could tell, the bones of the house were still pretty good. I shifted my attention to the barn, walking closer. It wasn’t large by any means, but maybe I’d be able to purchase a couple of horses.
My thoughts immediately drifted to Francesca. Just saying her name in my head brought a wave of desire. Shoving it aside, I continued my exploration, walking toward the bank of trees lining the property. There was a little path, once cobblestone but now overgrown with weeds and moss. Someone had loved the property a long time ago.
I walked through, inhaling the scents of the forest. Montana had always been home, the time spent overseas both grueling and lonely. I adored nature, had been the kid who stayed outside until dark almost every day.
When I noticed a clearing in the trees, I quickened my pace.
The sight in front of me after clearing the forest was breathtaking, the mountains a backdrop but located only thirty feet away was a beautiful lake. As I walked closer, a smile immediately crossed my face. It was crystal clear. Pristine. Perfect.
Perfect for a family.
The thought was a jolt to my system. What the fuck? I’d never wanted a family in my freaking life. Why now? Because I’d been homesick? Fuck that. I crouched down, able to see a few fish and the amazing sound of water trickling over rocks was enough to give me a shiver. Huh. It was likely out of my price range but what the hell. It wouldn’t hurt to call the number on the for-sale sign. After picking up a smooth rock, I rolled it between my fingers, feeling damn close to the property. My father had once told me that I would know the exact place to hang my hat when I found it.
He was right.
I remained where I was for several minutes, almost becoming lost in the tranquility. But another pang of guilt rushed into my system, another stabbing knife reminding me that I didn’t deserve to be happy. I rose to my feet, tossing the rock with all my might. What the hell was I doing?
I hurried back to the house and toward my bike, stopping short then hissing. One phone call. I didn’t need to go any further than that. The sign in the window appeared to be the same as the one located at the street. However, an agency wasn’t handling the sale. I grabbed my phone, thankful there were a few bars denoting reception and dialed.
The gruff voice answering confirmed my belief.
“Yeah, I’m interested in the house on Castle Rock Road. What can you tell me about it?”
The laugh I heard was followed by a series of rough coughs. When he finally answered me, going into detail about everything that was wrong with the property, I remained quiet. I couldn’t tell if the person actually wanted to sell the place or not.
“How much is it?” I
finally interrupted him. When he told me the price, I took another look at the dilapidated front. “I’ll take it. Oh, and I’m paying cash.”
Raunchy Ride.
The joint certainly wasn’t the place I remembered. As I pulled into the parking lot, I allowed the engine to idle as I studied the façade. And the number of vehicles in the parking lot. While the neon sign was similar to the one used in the past, the bright neon lights were now in blue instead of a garish pink. The music? Well, it was still country, blaring from outside speakers, likely drawing in the crowds that were obviously inside. Live music and from what I could tell, the musicians were damn good. Hell, it was only a little before ten at night. I could only imagine what the place would be like at closing time.
I was lucky to find a parking spot in the rear of the building and pulled in, taking my time getting off the bike, securing my helmet. There was a heavy chill in the air, the new jacket I’d purchased necessary for the open air ride. I’d spent the day dealing with paperwork, managing to work a deal with the owner of the house in order to allow me to take immediate possession. It was worth the extra cash, although the house was in worse shape inside than I’d expected. While it wasn’t livable, the place was all mine.
There was hesitation in my steps as I walked toward the entrance, forced to stand in line with rugged cowboys and the babes clinging to their arms. Everyone was in a good mood. While there was no entrance fee, the bouncers glared at me like I was some kind of monster prepared to shoot up the bar.
“Is Scorpion here?” I barked, keeping my tone the deepest baritone in my repertoire.
“Who’s asking?” the asshole bouncer asked.
I shifted closer, standing at least three inches taller than the prick. “A man who could snap your neck in thirty seconds.”
His nostrils flared, his eyes boring into mine, but he must have figured it was best not to fuck with me. He nodded down the short hallway into the bar. “He’s with some guys at a table in the back, right hand side.”
I started to move around him. When he was stupid enough to grab my arm, I lowered my head slowly, staring at his hand. It had been a long time since I’d broken a number of fingers. The mood I was in could make it my first order of business tonight.