Austin Page 8
She was enjoying the hell out of herself, still believing that she was in charge.
I bucked my hips, tossing her up and down almost violently as I fucked her, shifting my hold to her breasts, squeezing until she moaned, the sound only further enticing the beast in me. When I pinched her nipples between my thumbs and forefingers, she threw her head back, every single inch of her quivering.
There wasn’t any doubt in my mind I could fuck her nonstop for hours. She slowly lowered her head until our lips were almost touching, still taking ragged breaths.
“You’re so damn big.” After she issued the words, she laughed, the tone sultry and inviting. Then she began to ride me like a wild pony, shifting forward and backward in rapid motions. Every feature on her face was highlighted, her eyes half closed and her lips twisted in carnal frustration.
I had no idea how long we were coupled together, but I wasn’t finished.
Not by a long shot.
Pushing off the chair, I kept her body entangled with mine as I followed my instincts, moving into another room, pushing the few items on her coffee table to the end then thrusting her down.
Laughing, she glanced from side to side, lifting her arms and forcing the same items to tumble to the floor.
I straddled the table, bending my knees then plunging my cock back inside her wet heat. Her tight little channel dragged me in even deeper, clamping around my cock like a tight vise. I leaned over, gripping the edge of the table as I powered into her, my eyes shifting to the fire burning in the fireplace. It was almost cathartic that we were fucking by licking flames, our coupling combustible at best.
As the crackling of the fire continued, I turned my full attention toward Franny, thrusting brutally as I claimed her.
She pressed her palms against me, never blinking as her eyes locked with mine, her legs remaining wrapped around my upper thighs. With every savage plunge, I had more difficulty not erupting inside of her, filling her with my seed. My muscles ached, my balls swelling. But I refused to give in just yet.
“So tight. So…” she murmured as she clawed at my skin, her breathing even more ragged than before.
When she shuddered, her hands slapping at my chest, I could tell she was ready to skyrocket into another round of ecstasy. With a keening growl, I continued to thrust in rapid motions.
“Yes. Oh, I…” She jerked up, aching her back, her body convulsing as another orgasm raced into her system.
I could no longer focus, could barely think straight, fucking the only thing I could concentrate on. When she screamed again, pounding her fists against my chest, all I could do was smile.
“Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes!”
Seconds later, she dropped her arms, rolling the tips of her fingers around her swollen nipples, biting her lower lip in the most enticing manner.
I pulled all the way out, staring down at her with lazy eyes.
She tried to sit up, purring like the big cat she’d become, still reaching for me. Without any hesitation, I pulled her into my arms, dumping her onto the sofa and pushing her waist over the back of the couch. She seemed to sense what I was about to do, opening her legs and gripping the leather.
As I crowded onto the couch, moving directly behind, I lowered my head, nipping the nape of her neck. “Every hole now belongs to me.”
I wouldn’t be able to hold back for long, my needs becoming excruciating. Yet I took my time pressing my cockhead between her luscious bottom cheeks, finding her dark hole then pressing gently until the tip was fully seated inside.
Franny tensed, darting a look over her shoulder before lowering her head. She knew that there was nothing she could do, no way of stopping the brute behind her. It was difficult as fuck to keep from impaling her, but I slid in an inch at a time, finally pushing past the tight ring of muscle.
“Fuck,” she whispered, her back heaving as she struggled to breathe.
I rolled my knuckles down her back, tapping one side of her buttocks then issuing two hard cracks against her backside.
“Oh!” Her squeal was one of delight instead of pain, her cry seductive.
Exhaling, I closed my eyes then thrust the remainder of my cock inside, instantly throwing back my head with a battle cry, the roar primal. My actions became even more brutal, slamming into her with enough force the couch tipped more than once.
But I didn’t care.
She was mine.
Every. Single. Inch.
With every hard plunge, I was shoved into a moment of peace, something that I hadn’t expected. As the electricity powered through me, bringing me a raw sense of ecstasy, I was free of the demons if only for a few precious moments.
All because of hard fucking.
I had no idea how long I continued driving in long, even strokes, but as the light seemed to fade from the room, my balls were ready to explode. As she’d done before, she squeezed her muscles, meeting every savage thrust with one of her own.
My body refused to hold back any longer.
The release was exhilarating, lights flashing in front of my eyes.
And at that moment, I knew I couldn’t live without her.
What. The. Fuck?
Chapter 6
There was a heightened level of shadows that consumed the man who’d just driven me to blissful ecstasy. He was arrogant and powerful, demanding and dark, but he’d awakened the woman inside, refusing to allow her to escape. Yet everything about us was toxic.
Still, it was hard to replace the crystallized sensations rolling through me, electricity so vibrant that my muscles remained on fire long after the blissful experience. Neither one of had been able to say anything after the intense round of passionate sex. Maybe we were both too content in the haze of satisfaction, although my gut told me it had more to do with the fact that we really had nothing to say to each other.
This wasn’t about starting a relationship. I suspected he didn’t want anything of the kind and I certainly couldn’t parade him on my arm. He was far too… savage. There was no other word for a man like Vader.
I sensed he was a bomb ready to explode, his inability to share his feelings something that he’d struggled with his entire life. I was far too set in my ways to care about trying to change him. But being with him felt so damn right.
Besides, my body had already betrayed me not once but twice. Even the spanking at the barn, while absolutely humiliating, had kept my entire body aroused for the remainder of the day. I hadn’t been able to concentrate on anything, including the simple act of grocery shopping, visions of the larger than life man consuming every random thought. Who was I kidding? I hadn’t been able to get him off my mind.
He actually seemed at peace with being in my house, allowing me to curl up next to him after I’d brought drinks into the living room. I hadn’t bothered to clean up the mess we’d made and in truth, I had no intentions of doing so until long after he left. Maybe I was a fool to want nothing more than to bask in the joy of our wicked sex, but Katie had been right.
Life was too damn short.
I stared at the fire, still contemplating what had occurred at the motel. As of this evening, Katie had yet to find out anything concrete. That either meant the sheriff’s office had yet to reach any official conclusions or they simply had no idea what was going on. I wasn’t certain I would take as much comfort in the licking flames as I used to. I still had moments where the stench of the acrid smoke resurfaced.
“The fire wasn’t accidental,” I said casually, still keeping my gaze locked on the fire. Why it was mesmerizing at this point made no sense.
“You’re right. No way it could have been.”
“I’ve been told the problem was gas, but I don’t buy it.”
He sighed. “Nope. That’s not what happened.”
I tilted my head, admiring his strong jaw and chiseled ch
eeks, trying hard not to swoon all over again. “I’m curious. Why do you say that?”
He exhaled, swirling his bourbon before taking a gulp. “There was a distinct odor and one I recognized. What do you think I handled in Afghanistan? There wasn’t one of my unit that hadn’t become an explosives expert after the shit we went through.”
“How long were you in the Marines?” My mind created several theories given his words.
Vader took his time answering. “Long enough to learn that hard work doesn’t pay off and that politics play a role in everything.”
His words were laced with bitterness. “I’m so sorry what you had to go through.”
“Yeah, well, I’m alive. You mentioned your brother. What happened?’
I was surprised he’d remembered. “An explosion. A group of men from his squad were in a Humvee headed toward a group of insurgents that were ravaging a small city. They got caught in the crossfire.”
Hissing, Vader gripped me more tightly. “That sucks.”
“He loved being in the military. It’s all he could talk about from the time he was a kid. At least he died serving the country he loved so much.” I hadn’t thought about my baby brother as often as I used to, the experience more painful than I’d been able to admit to anyone.
“Honor and integrity, serving a purpose. That’s drilled into every soldier from the day they enlist. What crap.”
“Maybe, Vader, but you joined for a reason. I was angry for a long time, but that’s no way to live,” I half whispered, although for some reason tonight the same old sadness crept in, forcing a lump in my throat.
“Maybe, but sometimes the pain is the only way to survive the horror.”
I wanted to ask him questions, to find out what he and the other soldiers he’d served with had gone through, but I doubted he would be forthcoming. His entire body hummed with vibrations of anger, the feelings so deep I wasn’t certain anyone could ever get through to him.
Including me.
I pulled his arm further around me, placing his bandaged hand on my thigh. “I’m so sorry you were hurt in the fire.”
“I’d do it all over again.”
“You’re everything a hero is made of.” Tears swept into my eyes for the first time in months, which I hated. It was such a weakness in my mind, a desperate need to hold onto something or someone that was never going to be possible.
“I’m no hero, Francesca. In fact, I’m just the opposite.”
“My guess is that you’re being modest. I know you are with regards to saving my life.”
Vader snorted, slowly brushing the tips of his fingers down my arm. “It ain’t about being modest. It’s about the truth.” He polished off his drink, able to reach the coffee table with ease.
His words were clipped, definitive.
And final.
“Are you a cowboy?” The question seemed so ridiculous, but I was struggling to try to crack through the shield he wore firmly around himself.
He chuckled. “Maybe once. My family owned a small ranch, so I grew up riding. I have to say, I missed being around horses when I was overseas.”
“A sexy soldier and a rugged cowboy. Very nice.” Very nice? I was stretching it.
He didn’t react.
We sat in silence for a full two minutes. Then I eased forward. “You have to be hungry.”
Finally, a smile curled on his face. “Not for food.”
“Hmmm… A rare steak? Maybe pasta?” When he slowly lowered his gaze, I shivered to my very core. “Ice cream?”
There was the kind of spark in his eyes that was totally unexpected. “You have ice cream?” Yet his growl was just as primal as before.
“Two flavors. Are you interested?”
“Hell, yeah.”
I couldn’t keep a smile off my face. After placing my glass of wine on the table, I rose to my feet, holding out my hand. “Then come with me. Maybe if you’re a good boy, you’ll be lucky enough to get a spoonful or two.”
“Or I’ll take the entire carton.” He jerked to his feet quickly, tossing me over his shoulder with one arm.
“Put me down!” I barked, pummeling my hands against his back.
“You don’t make the rules, Franny. I thought you figured that out.”
When he finally dumped me onto my feet in the kitchen, I was lightheaded. The dominating woman inside of me wanted to snap at him for treating me like his possession. The romantic that obviously still existed inside was swooning. Sadly, the combination wasn’t acceptable for the future.
But we still had the rest of the night.
I backed away, my butt finally hitting the refrigerator. “Chocolate or vanilla?”
He took a deep breath, holding it then taking his time to expel. The simple action gyrated several of his colorful tats, making them appear alive. He stood in all his glory, every muscle toned to perfection. “What’s the fun in life if you can’t have a little flavor? Chocolate.”
“Chocolate it is.” I fumbled with the handle of the freezer door, finally managing to open and locate the container. I found it difficult to look at him as I pulled open the top, grabbing two spoons from the drawer then sticking them in the middle of the delicious cream. When I shifted in order to face him, his eyes were narrowed, his jaw clenched.
He inched closer, digging some of the frosty goodness onto one of the utensils, dragging his tongue across his lips before shifting the spoon in my direction. “Open that luscious mouth of yours.”
I wrapped my hand around his wrist in some crazy attempt at keeping him from smashing the glob into my face.
As if he was that playful, something I doubted.
But I did as I was told, keeping my eyes on him as he slowly slid the spoon into my mouth. I took a single lick then a small bite, mimicking him by licking around my lips.
A smile curled on the corner of his mouth as he brought the treat to his lips, narrowing his eyes the second he closed his mouth around the spoon. The sound he made was almost as sexy as the animalistic growls he’d made earlier. “The perfect dessert.” He took the carton into his hand, devouring two spoonfuls.
Even the way he ate ice cream was sexy.
I pulled the other spoon, licking the remnants off the back then scooping a large portion. Unable to resist, I closed the distance, allowing the spoonful to slide from the stainless steel. I watched in fascination as the ice cream slowly slid down his chest, melting almost instantly given the heat of his body.
He lowered his head, staring at my bad girl activity, making a husky sound. “What have you learned about playing with fire?”
I lowered my head, licking the drips from the bottom, dragging my tongue ever so slowly up to the larger portion. As soon as I gathered it into my mouth, he fisted my hair, yanking me onto my toes and crushing his mouth over mine. My God, the man was hot as sin, the kiss just as passionate, creating a wave of tremors dancing in my aching pussy.
As he thrust his tongue inside, I pressed my hand against his chest, my fingertips seared from the same excessive heat. He was forceful, devouring my mouth, the electricity soaring. When he finally broke the kiss, I realized how hard I was breathing.
The same wicked grin crossed his face as he walked me backwards until my bottom hit the counter on the opposite side of the kitchen. He cocked his head as he drove the spoon into the middle of the ice cream, removing a huge spoonful. “Cause when you play with fire, you will get burned. Guess I need to cool you off.”
I wasn’t expecting him to smash the entire amount between my breasts, immediately dropping his head and licking from one nipple to the other, nipping and sucking.
“Oh. My. God.” The combination of his hot mouth and the frigid ice cream set every synapse on fire. I floundered to try to find anything to hold onto, finally gripping both his arms as my nipples became hard pebbles, aching from the same need that the rest of me had experienced from the minute I’d met him.
“Mmm… I could slather your entire body.” He tossed the s
poons, reaching three fingers into the cream, gathering a heaping amount then pressing it against my stomach, watching as the ice cream slowly trickled down.
One inch.
“Oh, Vader. I…” I was completely floored by his actions, shivering from the experience.
After he pushed the carton onto the counter, he dropped to his knees, lifting me off the floor and spreading my legs wide open.
I slapped at the counter then flailed one arm behind me, grabbing the handle while gripping his shoulder.
“This should do the trick,” he growled then slid the remainder to my pussy, swirling his fingers around and around my clit.
“Fuck me. That’s…” Laughing nervously, I rested my head on the cabinet, simply allowing him to take full control. This was insane. This was amazing. This was… heaven.
He made the most intense animalistic sounds as he licked, within seconds pulling another profound orgasm straight into my system.
“Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh!” There was no way to hold back my bloodcurdling scream as the climax roared into me. “Jesus.” Every inch of my body was shaking violently, my heart hammering to the point I couldn’t hear anything but the sweeping echoes of my skyrocketing pulse.
He lapped up the combination of my cream and the frosty treat, growling the entire time as he satisfied his needs.
Time seemed to stand still, or maybe I just didn’t care if this went on all night long. I hung my head, finally able to take shallow breaths in some crazy effort to control my reaction.
When he eased my feet to the floor, he planted his hands on either side of me, tilting his head back and forth. “Seems like we’re filthy.”
“There’s nothing wrong with that,” I managed, sliding my hands up his carved back, finally noticing old wounds for the first time. “You’ve been shot.”
“Uh-huh. Several times. All part of the job. Do you have a shower in this mansion?”
“First of all,” I said as I continued to brush my fingers over the old wounds, “I don’t live in a mansion. Second, I have something better in mind.”