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Austin Page 6

  “Actually, I wasn’t.”

  “Ah, yes, the great ex-husband.”

  The horrific worthless piece of human flesh.

  “You know, it’s not that I don’t enjoy what I’m doing. It’s just that I’m tired of running into roadblocks.”

  Katie grinned. “The way of the world. Now, let’s get back to the shirt.”

  “What do you know about the fires that have occurred in the city?”

  She was taken aback, finally easing onto the edge of the second couch. “Which fires are we talking about?”

  “One was a motel that burned last night. I know another was a restaurant. And I think one was a processing plant. I’m not sure of the fourth.”

  “Well, I haven’t covered any of them, but if what I heard this morning was true, they were all suspicious. Why?”

  I shrugged, toying with the base of the glass. I could hear her wheels ticking from where she was sitting. “Just curious, but from what I’ve learned, they might be ruled an accident.”

  “You’re never just curious about anything, Franny. Come on.” She continued to study me intently for a few seconds. “Wait a minute. If I remember correctly, the motel is on one of the roads leading back to Missoula from Hamilton. Did you happen to see something?”

  All I could do was take a sip of my drink.

  “Holy shit. Do not tell me that you were there.”


  “That’s it. Talk to me. Did you meet someone there? A guy?” Katie had far too much joy in her voice.

  I had a lump in my throat, uncertain I could find mine.

  “Are you dating someone that you didn’t tell me about?”

  “No!” I insisted. “Not dating. I doubt I’ll be ready to date again until the next Stone Age.”

  “Then why are you so nervous?”

  I finally dropped my head, hissing under my breath. “Okay, I met this guy and we had a good time.”

  “A good time. Cut through the bullshit and that means you fucked him in a motel room that burned to the ground. Right?”

  “Maybe.” The silence was deafening. “Okay. Okay. Yes, I did, and it was the hottest sex I’ve ever had in my life, no pun intended.” I certainly wasn’t going to tell her that he’d been absolutely dominant, taking what he’d wanted.

  “Yummy. You have to tell me everything. When are you seeing him again?”

  “I’m not seeing him again. It was just a thing.”

  “But you still have his shirt.”

  “That’s because he ripped off mine. Then he had to save me from the fire.”

  Katie exhaled, taking several sips of her drink then coughing. “You are kidding me.”

  “I wish I were. The entire place was on fire, flames everywhere and the smoke was so thick. It wasn’t my finest hour or four. Okay?”

  “Honey, you’re an adult. You can fuck any man you want to. I’m so sorry about what you went through.”

  “It’s okay. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time, but I have a bad feeling about what happened. Do you think you can sniff around?” I asked, giving her a pleading look.

  She shook her head. “Fine. I’ll see what I can find out but if the fires are under investigation, the sheriff’s office isn’t going to be doing much talking, accident or no accident.”

  “Anything will help.” Not that I knew what I was going to do with the information, but the nagging feeling persisted.

  “So… Where did you meet this guy? One of your political events? Is he a new employee? More important, is he cute?”

  “Oh, for God’s sake, I would never fuck one of my employees.” Now it was my turn to take a huge gulp of my drink. “And yes, he’s probably the hottest man I’ve ever laid eyes on. As far as where I met him…” I struggled to find the words. “I picked him up on the side of the road.”

  You could have heard a pin drop in the house.

  “You did what?” she managed, coughing several times.

  “You heard me. As I said, not my finest hour.”

  “But he could have been a murderer.”

  “No, he just happened to be hitchhiking. He wasn’t a murderer. Actually, he ended up being my savior.” I laughed after saying the words. “One hunky Marine with a perfect, and I do mean perfect, body.”

  “And his cock?”

  The look I gave her was enough to have both of us explode in laughter.

  “Then I have one piece of advice for you, girlfriend. Hunt that man down and give him back his shirt in exchange for another.” Katie wagged her finger.

  “Not sure I can do that.”

  “Why? Didn’t you exchange names? Does he live in Montana?”

  “I dropped him off at the Big Meadow Ranch and no, that wasn’t his place.”

  “Big Meadow. I’ve heard of that,” she mused. “What’s his name?”

  “Vader. That’s all he would give me, and I used Franny and nothing else.”

  “Woo-hoo. Mysterious. Makes the sex hotter. What happened with the fire? Didn’t you talk to the police?”

  I dropped my head, ashamed at my behavior. “That’s just it. I made him drive me away from there before any emergency crew arrived.”

  “Whew. You can never tell anyone that. Ever. As a matter of fact, I’d keep the entire night confidential.”

  “Yeah, I know.”

  “Maybe you don’t. You know Mitchell is still out for blood after the divorce.”

  Mitchell Montgomery, a well-respected, high-powered attorney who doubled as an abusive asshole. Our marriage had been a farce from the beginning, the jerk only wanting his own version of intelligent eye candy on his arm while fucking every blonde he could get his hands on. “Fuck him.”

  “I’m not kidding, Franny. If something like that got out, he’d use it if for no other reason than to smear your name through the press.”

  “I don’t plan on telling anyone because I’m not going to see Vader again.”

  My bestie was right. I’d fucked up, ignoring the possible consequences. The shirt was going into the trash before tomorrow.

  “I’m not telling you not to enjoy this hot man. I’m just suggesting that you keep your relationship private but live a little. Life is too short.”

  She was right, but at this point, I was content with work. I certainly didn’t need another dominating man in my life under any circumstances. I’d experienced enough bruises to last a lifetime.

  Chapter 5


  “I thought I’d find you in here.”

  I didn’t bother turning in Hawk’s direction. I already felt like a third wheel, although both he and Bryce had been nothing but kind. I continued brushing the horse, taking comfort in the large animals as well as the odors in the barn. The reminder of a past I’d tried to push away not nearly as painful as I’d thought it would be. “I thought I should pull my weight. I don’t like taking handouts.”

  “Jesus, Vader. You’re my friend, or don’t you remember?”

  “Yeah, I remember.” It had been even more awkward between us since the incident with the photograph and I wasn’t certain why.

  “Anyway, I brought you the keys to one of my other trucks. Though you might want some freedom.”

  The dangling of keys as well as his boisterous laugh finally caught my attention. I swaggered closer, staring at them before accepting, giving him a respectful nod. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I know you want to get settled and I doubt you like having a child running around you all day long.”

  As I accepted the keys, I chuckled. “Actually, Ashley has been wonderful. Just an amazing little girl.”

  “Who knows. Maybe you can have one of your own someday.” He sighed after I grimaced. “Look, it’s none of my business but I know a couple of houses you might want to consider renting. I can loan you some money if you need to get set up.”

  “I don’t need money, Hawk. I got plenty.”

  His eyes opened wide. “O-kay.”

; “I might need a ride to the local Harley shop tomorrow. Gonna purchase a bike.”

  Hawk shook his head, grinning from ear to ear. “Happy to take you, buddy. Oh, and tomorrow night, the rest of the unit are getting together at Raunchy Ride. Thought you might like to come.”

  “Raunchy Ride?” The thought actually gave me a real smile.

  “It still exists even better than ever. That’s Scorpion’s place now.”

  “You’re shittin’ me.”

  “Nope. He’s turned out to be one hell of a barkeep. So you’re in?”

  I shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe.” We both heard the sound of a vehicle’s approach.

  “You know where to find it if you want to show up.”

  “Thanks.” A strange sense of electricity powered through me and for some crazy reason, I headed for the barn’s entrance, recognizing the truck almost immediately. “What the hell?”

  “A friend of yours?” Hawk asked as he flanked my side.

  “Not in the least.”

  When the truck slowed, finally pulling directly in front of the barn, I clamped my fingers around the brush, unsure about how I was feeling. While the visions of her naked body had remained in the forefront of my mind, the shit was already getting too complicated and at this point, I didn’t need to deal with a romantic female.

  When she climbed out of the truck, the sight of her dressed in tight-fitting blue jeans, cowboy boots, and a bright red top was enough to send a series of electrical explosions into every freaking cell in my body. I took a deep breath, holding it while she took her time closing the door. Even the pair of sunglasses she was wearing added to her sensuous appeal.

  Franny shoved a portion of her fingers into her front pockets before walking toward me, her head tilted and her mouth pursed.

  “Interesting,” Hawk said under his breath.

  She continued toward me, stopping just inside the door then removing her shades. The way her lips curled on each side was far too provocative. I wanted to kiss that mouth of hers, thrusting my tongue so damn deep inside. The ache in my cock was even more pronounced and my mind was a freaking blur.

  Over a woman.

  One beautiful, ballsy woman.

  “Vader,” she said casually, shifting her eyes toward Hawk.

  I remained quiet, although I couldn’t help but consume her with my eyes.

  Hawk sighed before tipping his head. “I think I’ll leave you two alone.”

  I waited until he’d walked away before addressing her. “What are you doing here, Franny?”

  “Don’t worry, buster. It’s not for your charming company, I assure you.”

  “Then why?” She charged every cell in my body, shifting me into a skyrocketing plateau. Just the way her voice became more of a purr was enough to tip me over the edge.

  She laughed, shaking her head. “You really are an asshole, aren’t you?” When she turned to walk away, the thin elastic holding together the decent guy snapped. I grabbed her by the wrist, dragging her further into the barn and pushing her against the wall, the brush dropping from my hand.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” She fought back, smashing her fist against my jaw, lifting her knee in a solid attempt to kick me between the balls.

  Growling, I grabbed her other arm, yanking both over her head and pinning her with my body. “That wasn’t very nice.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you? Get off me.” She struggled, grinding her hips back and forth, the friction created only adding gasoline to the fire kick-starting in my belly.

  I lowered my head, drinking in her intoxicating, spicy perfume. “I don’t take kindly to a lady swinging her fist.”

  “And I don’t take kindly to some asshole Marine who thinks he’s hot shit.”

  The mouth on her was infuriating.

  And arousing.

  My cock hadn’t ached this much when I’d fucked her. She was even more fiery than two nights before, her attitude yanking the beast from his lair. Damn, I wanted her. Our lips were only centimeters apart and as she tilted her head, I could tell she was daring me to kiss her. What the fuck?

  I crushed my mouth over hers, forcing her lips to open.

  She moaned, squirming and using every angle she could to maneuver out of my hold. That wasn’t going to happen. I thrust my tongue inside, intertwining both together. My cock was pushed hard into her stomach. The taste of her was spectacular, strawberries and cream on a sunny spring day.

  She whined and wiggled but was unable to get out of my hold. Seconds later, she stopped fighting me, undulating her body, her whimpers more sensual. The kiss was powerful, even more so than before. I couldn’t seem to get enough of her, several growls pushing up from my gut. I could fuck her right here like some wild animal.

  When I finally eased away, she took gasping breaths, pinching her lips together. “You were saying?” I asked, chuckling darkly.

  A smile crossed her face, sultry and ripe with lust. “Well, Vader, I was saying that you’re one hot man.”

  The words were said with a demeaning slant, her eyes twinkling even in the ugly light of the barn. “If I let you go, are you going to play nice?”

  “Always,” she cooed.

  I took a step away, anticipating a possible hard slap. When she punched me in the gut, the force was just enough to topple me backwards as she stormed toward the truck, cursing up a blue streak.

  “Asshole. Prick. Bastard. Son of a bitch. Freak!”

  My reaction was swift and there was no stopping the darkness from taking over as I took long strides after her. I fisted Franny’s hair, pushing her over the hood of her truck, immediately smacking my hand down on her bottom.

  “You asshole!”

  “I think you’ve already used that term before. Why don’t you try something else?” I brought my hand down several times, issuing one brutal smack after the other.

  “Ouch. I will get you for this,” she huffed, doing everything she could to push up on the hood.

  “Uh-huh. Get in line, sugar. There’s a whole list of people way ahead of you.” The sting in my hand was jolting, but I loved it. The spanking was just another reminder that I was alive.

  Two ranch hands appeared, walking by us slowly, gawking the entire time.

  “God, such a freaking bastard,” Franny said under her breath, obviously noticing the two cowboys.

  “You play with fire, you get burned with fire.” I delivered six smacks in rapid succession, adoring the way her entire body jiggled from the force I used.

  “Is that some kind of stupid pun?”

  I stopped, huffing under my breath, using a few seconds to caress her rounded bottom. The temptation to rip off her jeans was becoming more pronounced. Fuck, my heart was thudding so hard in my chest the echoes in my ears were driving me nuts. “No, just the truth. It seems you respond better to a stern round of discipline than anything else.”

  “My God, you are a freaking monster.”

  Whether or not the words were meant to hurt me didn’t really matter. I was far too dead inside to care what anyone thought about me for any reason. I concentrated on what I was doing for a full two minutes, making certain to cover every inch of her luscious real estate.

  The way she wiggled and moaned even caused the cowboys to stop short, their expressions ones of carnal need.

  “Get. Off. Me!” she yelped, flinging her arms behind her, able to smack me in the arms.

  I made my hard strikes even more severe, peppering her buttocks over and over again.

  “So help me God, Vader,” she growled.

  I leaned down, breathing in her ear. “Remember that you need to be ladylike.”

  “Over my dead body.”

  “Then I don’t have any problem continuing.” My fingers ached, my balls tightening, a set of stars flashing in front of my eyes. My mouth watered at the thought of tasting her again.

  “Bastard. Bastard. Bastard.”

  The fact she said it over and over again actually ga
ve me a grin. She had no idea who she was dealing with.

  “We’re almost finished.” I smacked her a half dozen additional times then crowded against her. “Now, you’re going to play nice or I’ll have to start again.”

  “Why, yes, sir.”

  Her defiance was infuriating.

  I eased away, letting go of her hair, allowing the longs strands to slide through my fingers. When I started to walk away, a part of me wanted her to start the fight all over again. How ridiculous. I wasn’t some love-struck boy. Fuck me.

  The sound of her door opening forced me to hiss. I finally turned around, watching her every move.

  “Here, buster. The only freaking reason I stopped by was to give you back your shirt.”

  She tossed it at me, her eyes flashing.

  I didn’t bother picking it up from the ground.

  Laughing, she shook her head multiple times before starting to climb into her truck. “Don’t worry, jerkoff. You will never see me again.”

  The roar of her engine was followed by the screech of tires as she floored it into reverse, jerking to a stop then turning on a dime.

  I stood where I was, watching the taillights like I’d done two nights before, only this time, I had no doubt we’d never cross paths again.

  When I heard the sound of clapping, I yanked the shirt into my hand, pressing it under my nose. The scent of fabric softener was just another reminder of the woman who’d excited every one of my senses.

  “Good show, buddy,” Hawk said in a joking manner as he approached.

  “Yeah, well, she deserved it.”

  “She? I take it you two know each other.”

  I tossed the shirt over my shoulder, taking one last look as her truck roared down the road. “You might say that.”

  “In the biblical sense?”

  After shooting him a look, I started walking toward the house.

  “I ask because you kinda stepped into a mess.”

  “Yeah? And why is that?”

  Hawk sauntered closer, moving beside me, the grin on his face larger than any I’d seen on him. “Because, my friend. The girl you fucked then spanked is a United States senator. That is Francesca Montgomery.”

  “Fuck me.”

  He patted me on the back, laughing the entire time he walked away.