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King's Hostage Page 5
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Page 5
“How do you know one of the men was Diego?” I asked, the answer easy to come by. The Santiago Empire had planned the operation for some time.
Cristiano smirked. “Because his body washed up on a beach. The press is all over it. I had no doubt you were behind the man’s demise. While the sharks enjoyed a nice snack during the night, unfortunately, there was enough of his body left to identify.”
“We need to plan a response. Emmanuel will suspect his son was murdered by one of our soldiers,” Joseph suggested.
“They had it coming.” I laughed softly, although I remained surprised that they’d made such an organized attack. That wasn’t like them at all. The bastards had been sniffing around the club, asking questions for weeks. However, they hadn’t tipped their hand until the last moment.
“What the hell are we supposed to do now?” Lucian asked, shaking his head, the look of disdain on his face pissing me off.
“Determine all the facts before reacting.” Cristiano shifted toward the set of French doors, staring out at his pool.
“I should have a discussion with Emmanuel,” Joseph offered. “I’ve had several discussions with him over the years during his rise to power. He’s usually quite reasonable, especially since he understood the consequences of going against us.”
Both Cristiano and I studied Joseph before my brother turned to look me in the eyes. “That may be a good option. What I do know is that your family could be in danger, Michael.”
“At least I have someone who could provide answers,” I said quietly.
I flanked Cristiano’s side. “The assassin seemed very interested in the kids’ teacher. I had no other choice but to bring her with me. I have a feeling she knows more than she’s willing to tell me.”
“But I assume you’ve asked.” He chuckled as he shot me a look. “You have balls, brother.”
“As I said, there was no other choice. I plan on finding answers. Given she is able to identify the perp, if she’s innocent, her life is in danger. If she’s guilty, then she will soon learn that disobedience isn’t in her best interest.”
“Oh, please don’t tell me that you actually kidnapped her,” Vincenzo said, laughing.
“I did what was necessary,” I answered.
Joseph inched even closer. “That may work to our benefit in securing the person responsible. The last thing we need is to start a war, whether on our turf or in Florida. However, I agree with Cristiano that you’ve been targeted, which means you need to disappear.”
“Disappear? Over my dead body.”
Lucian swaggered closer. “That’s not a bad idea. The person responsible will become notably frustrated if they can’t find you.”
“And where the fuck do you suggest I go?” Another wave of anger swept through my system.
Cristiano lifted his eyebrows, grinning. “I heard Switzerland is nice this time of year. There is some business that you could also take care of while you’re there.”
My brother had located a snitch, the bastard of a man informing the local police about an upcoming drug shipment. We’d been forced to abandon the opportunity, foregoing several hundred thousand dollars in profit. However, even the thought of shedding blood wasn’t enough to break my resolve. I couldn’t return to the chalet again.
“Not going to happen and you know why.” Snarling, I took a gulp of my drink, loathing the fact my hand was shaking.
A collective sigh pulsed through the room. When Cristiano moved in front of me, I bristled.
“Don’t say it, Chris.”
He studied me intently, his dark eyes penetrating mine with the same kind of pain that I felt stabbing my heart. While he was our designated ruler, the crown handed over by our aging father, he was also my greatest champion. “I know you’re still hurting, Michael. I loved her too. Cassandra was very special to all of us, but you can’t allow your grief to supersede what you know needs to happen. It’s vital that you remain safe and with the children, the person responsible will find a way to infiltrate our security, no matter how viable it is.”
“You know who’s responsible. We should simply deal with the problem,” Vincenzo offered.
Cristiano slowly turned his head in our brother’s direction. “The reasons why that cannot happen at this time have already been stated. Getting Michael out of town will give us the time to figure out the best way of permanently handling the situation. No one knows about the chalet. That gives us a clear advantage.”
I held my breath, seeing Cassandra’s face in my mind. My deceased wife would be enraged that I would even think of remaining. “Fine. But the woman is coming with me. The children need a teacher.”
“You mean a motherly figure. Why not the nanny?” Lucian asked, a sneer on his face. He’d been pushing me into finding another wife if only for the sake of the children. That was never going to happen. No one could replace Cassandra.
God, I wanted to wipe the expression off his face with my fist. “Sara isn’t qualified. I refuse to allow either one of my children to fall behind in school just because the family doesn’t want to start a war.”
“He’s right. If the woman was a pawn for the Santiago family, then the time away will also give Michael the opportunity to deal with her.” Cristiano patted me on the shoulder. “And maybe you’ll be able to heal.”
“I doubt that will happen until Cassandra’s killer is brought to King’s justice. I’ll leave for Switzerland in the morning; however, once you determine that Emmanuel Santiago is responsible for threatening my children, I will be the one handling his punishment.”
As I walked out of the room, a series of images rushed into my mind.
I would have the man’s head on a silver platter.
Just thinking her name brought out the darkness, a hunger that had remained buried inside since Cassandra’s death. Daniella’s beauty was subtle yet powerful, intriguing as well as mysterious. Underneath her conservative clothes and quiet demeanor was a tigress. My instinct was never wrong. I wanted to peel away her layers, nurture the woman who’d longed to see the light of day. And I craved fucking her in every hole, claiming her as mine.
The thought was both arousing as well as disturbing. She was also responsible for my family almost losing their father. I could never forgive her.
But I would enjoy the time spent tasting her whether she agreed or not.
Breaking her would be one of my greatest joys.
Before walking into the room, I listened for any sounds. There was nothing but utter silence. When I opened the door, I expected her immediate retaliation. What I saw took my breath away. She was curled up in a chair by the window, the waning sunlight creating a golden halo around her head, illuminating the highlights in her hair.
She turned her head, her face expressionless, as if resigned to her imprisonment.
Or as if calculating her escape.
I walked to the window, staring out at the garden and remaining silent for a full minute. While she had no choice in coming with me, it would be better to have her as an ally, if only for the wellbeing of the children.
However, she would cater to my every need, answering my questions until I was satisfied with her knowledge.
“We are leaving the country tomorrow,” I said casually.
That got her attention.
“It would seem that there is a price on my head. In order to locate and secure that individual, the family thought it best that my children and I are removed from the situation based on the level of danger.”
“And what about me?”
I turned my head, locking eyes with her. “You’re coming with us. You are Isabella and Alessandro’s teacher. I have no idea how long we’ll be gone, and they need constant stimulation.”
I wasn’t certain what to expect but her laughter wasn’t on the radar.
“You’re joking. Right?” she asked as she turned her gaze tow
ard the window.
“I never joke about my enemies, Daniella. Now, you may consider me a monster, but I am a fair man. I’m prepared to give you a well-paying job. You will be given full access to the chalet, although you are not allowed to leave without an escort.”
“What if I refuse?”
I inched closer, kneeling down, able to gather a scent of her perfume. My mouth watered from the filthy things I wanted to do to her, but that would come in time. “Unfortunately, you can’t refuse. This isn’t an offer. It’s a demand. I firmly believe you had something to do with the attempted assassination and you will tell me everything you know. But I will sweeten the deal, although this is a one-time deal. I can make certain your stay is a pleasurable experience or I can ensure that it’s one you’ll never forget.”
While I had no desire to hurt her, I would do so if necessary, the forms of discipline becoming much harsher.
She twisted her mouth, her eyes glassing over. “What is this deal you’re proposing?”
“I’ll protect you from the organization who hired you with all the force necessary. When the situation has been handled, you will be able to resume your life. In addition, you will be paid handsomely.”
“I didn’t have anything to do with what occurred at the school. I don’t know why you won’t believe me.”
“In truth, it doesn’t matter if I believe you or not. You can easily identify the assassin. That makes you a target. You will be hunted, and I assure you that the methods of your disposal will be… horrific.” I allowed the words to sink in. When her lower lip quivered, I pressed forward. “Do you understand?”
“Yes,” she hissed through clenched teeth. “What is my part of the deal other than to convince you I had nothing to do with it?”
I pushed both hands on the arms of the chair, leaning in. “First, you will cooperate, including ensuring the children have no idea why you’re really on the trip.”
“Is there is a second part to this bullshit?”
Her defiance was increasing, the little spitfire showing venom in her eyes. My cock twitched, longing to have her writhing underneath me. “And the second is that you will do everything I command. You will be mine for the duration. Mine to taste. Mine to train. Mine to fuck. And mine to own.”
Daniella didn’t alter her expression, although her eyes became even colder. “Your possession.”
“Exactly. Now, I must prepare for the trip in the morning. Do you accept the terms of the deal?”
A single tear slipped past her lashes. When she didn’t attempt to wipe it away, I eased my index finger across her cheek, gathering the salty bead. The electricity was instantaneous, my heart thudding, my balls tightening. I witnessed the same reaction crawling from deep within her. As she bit her lower lip, I could tell it was a gesture to keep from moaning.
Our hunger was explosive.
“Fine, Michael. I have no choice and I do care about Isabella and Alessandro. They don’t deserve the kind of life you’ve forced them to have.”
Every cell in my body erupted with a combination of extreme desire as well as anger. She had no idea what kind of life they led. None. I held my tongue, taking a deep breath. “Very well. I will have one of my men go to your apartment and collect some of your things.”
“You’re breaking and entering now too. I should have known.”
As I stood, she shook her head, heaving an exaggerated sigh.
“You’ll be allowed to have dinner with the family tonight. Remember the deal you made. I will not accept anything less than a perfect performance.”
When I walked away, I heard her subtle laugh. “Trust me, Mr. King, my performance will be utter perfection.”
I took long strides to the door, hesitating for a few seconds.
“I have one question,” she asked.
I waited, saying nothing.
“Why the urgency in leaving? It’s obvious that you can take care of yourself.”
Telling her could mean a weakness, but I sensed her need to know allowed an acceptance of the deal she’d just made.
“Because my children were threatened by an unknown source. That cannot and will not happen. They are my life. They are everything to me. They are all that matters.” I shifted my gaze in order to see her face, surprised by the look in her eyes.
As well as a single nod of respect.
And another even stronger emotion.
The beautiful, fragile woman felt sorry for me.
Chapter 4
“My, what big teeth you have, Mr. Wolf.”
“Better to devour you with, Daniella.”
I couldn’t believe I’d made a deal with the devil himself. With all his sophistication, his obvious education, he was nothing but a dangerous wolf in well-tailored suits.
The fear from before remained in my system, my nerves on edge, but the constant jabbering of the twins was enough to remind me that I’d been taken hostage.
From my world.
From my life.
From my sanity.
All because an assassin had attempted to enter the merciless man’s precious world. What shocked me the most was the normalcy of the flight to the Swiss Alps. Laughter and conversation, a dog’s tail swishing against my legs before the beautiful Golden Retriever constantly crawled into my lap. Even the way Michael had acted was entirely different than the man who’d offered the deal. While he remained quiet the majority of the time—it was easy to tell he was fuming from being out of control—his face lit up every time Isabella or Alessandro attempted to carry on a discussion.
Then there was Elle, a dog that seemed to have a special place in his heart. I’d caught him talking to the Golden on more than one occasion during the flight, especially when the children had fallen asleep. His eyes couldn’t hide his intense feelings for the creature. The dichotomy of his brutality with the near Hallmark card emotions that he wore on his sleeve was unsettling.
The Learjet was obviously his, four of his ‘men’ coming along for the ride. They only spoke when spoken to, their rough demeanor and protective actions a further reminder that I was nothing but a prisoner.
And the kids were so used to their presence that they treated every soldier as if they were friends or even family.
The drive on snow-covered roads had created an aura of seclusion. Swallowing, I gazed down at the sleeping dog, her head resting on my leg. Everything was surreal, but I was glad the Golden was with us, even though I wasn’t entirely certain why. Maybe Michael had some decency inside of him after all.
“Mine to taste. Mine to train. Mine to fuck. And mine to own.”
Michael’s statement had played over and over again in my mind, the words haunting. I would be forced to become his… I couldn’t even think of the right phrase. Could I do this? Could I actually stand having the man touch me under any circumstances?
Yes, he was gorgeous, the jolts of electricity I’d felt before as explosive as they were disruptive, but my mind refused to accept that I’d been forced into such vicious circumstances. Now I couldn’t see a way out. I had no passport, no money, no way to contact anyone. Even if I did, there was no way down the mountain unless I stole a vehicle.
I doubted the brutal man was going to allow that to happen.
“We’re here, boss,” one of the men stated as he twisted his head, glancing into the rear seats of the large SUV.
“Good.” Michael’s tone had returned to nondescript. He’d only said four words to me after we’d boarded the flight, never once looking in my direction.
True to the promise, one or more of the men had brought two suitcases from my apartment. I could only imagine what clothes they’d selected. I peered out the side window and gasped. The view of the snow-covered mountains was breathtaking, but the chalet was stunning. At least four stories of carefully crafted wood, wraparound porches on every floor, floor-to-ceiling glass providing a spectacular view of the scenery. Picturesque wasn’t a magnific
ent enough word to describe the setting.
I caught a glimpse of a smaller house located only a few feet away as well as a six-car garage. My guess would be the second facility was the living quarters for the hired help. I sucked in my breath, trying to remain quiet.
Of course I knew that there were people who lived this way, but it was difficult to imagine living in this kind of environment. From what little I’d seen of Michael’s house in New Orleans, he’d spared no expense on the furnishings. Impressive art covered every colorful wall, the furniture solid and expensive. And his kitchen had been a masterpiece.
Sadly, the majority of rooms had seemed cold, pretentious.
With the exception of the twins’ world that had been created, a suite with two bedrooms, a private bath, and one amazing playroom filled with toys. Every room had been splashed with color, books and toys everywhere. The children obviously wanted for nothing.
“Everything should be set for you, boss.”
“Thank you, Carlo,” Michael said quietly as the driver pulled the SUV to a stop, the second vehicle pulling in behind us. “Please take the children and Elle inside.”
“Of course.”
“Are we here, Daddy?” Isabella asked from the seat behind us. I could hear the sleepiness in her voice as well as absolute excitement.
“We’re here, princess. Take a look,” Michael cooed, smiling as he turned his head. “This is the very special place I’ve told you about.”
“Wow,” Alessandro said, his large lavender eyes fixed on the front of the chalet. “Can we go skiing?”
Michael laughed, the sound reverberating into every cell and muscle, the deep baritone creating wave after wave of sensations.
All of which I hated.
“We’ll have to see about that,” Michael answered. “Take Elle inside and if you ask Mr. Sanchez nicely, I’m certain he’ll show you your rooms.”
“Yay!” Isabella squealed. “See, Miss Zimmerman, I told you that it was a magical place. Like a castle.”
“I can see that. I’m excited to come inside.” I tried to keep a lilt of happiness in my voice, but it was becoming increasingly difficult. This wasn’t some vacation. This was just the beginning of a nightmare. I remained in my seat, rubbing Elle until the car door was opened. The pup woofed several times, licking Michael’s face before bounding out the door.