Burned Page 22
“I’ve had a preliminary discussion with the district attorney for Hamilton. Looks like the charges will be dropped against Ms. Aspen. Oddly enough, the video Joe made found its way to the local television station so there’s a pretty big uproar regarding the case.” Gage kept his comments perfunctory. “But I gotta tell you, that little stunt you pulled with the jumpers and your team could get all of you in a lot of trouble. What the hell were you thinking tying them up and leaving them for an extended period of time?” After a few seconds, he grinned. “Damn, I wish I could have been there. You should have seen the boys when they were retrieved. Course, I allowed them to sweat a little myself. Serves them right. They won’t be doing that shit to anyone ever again.”
Hawk relaxed noticeably even though his jaw remained clenched. “I did what I had to do.”
“Yeah, I know that. That’s your style.” Gage turned his head in my direction. “You got a real soldier and a good man right there. I suggest you take care of him.”
I had no idea how to answer.
“Anyway, I’ll need that tape you made. As far as Sheriff Davis, well, that’s going to take a little while to find some satisfaction, if you know what I mean, but he’s running scared given the video and the talkin’ that Rusty and his boys are doing.”
“The man is a criminal!” Hawk snapped.
“I know that and you know that. Just give me some time, buddy. Trust me.” Gage grinned again.
The word would continue to haunt me.
“I appreciate the news, Gage,” Hawk muttered, wiping his brow. “Just been a tough few days.”
“I hear you,” Gage mumbled.
“Can I go back to work?” I finally piped in.
“I don’t see why if that’s what you want to do.” Gage narrowed his eyes. “I’d give yourself a few days though until the hoopla of this dies down. You know how those damn reporters are.”
I gave him a nod, still curious about the file in his hand.
“Is that why you came?” Hawk asked, nodding toward the file himself.
“Part of the reason. I also wanted to share some other information that Ms. Aspen needs to hear.” Gage hesitated before handing me over the file. “I’m sorry if you feel like I intruded, but I wanted to know why your past was so important.”
“And you think you know?” Hawk sat forward on the couch.
“Yeah. I believe I do.” Gage darted his gaze toward Hawk. I could read the tension on his face, noticing the single bead of sweat sliding down his cheek.
There was no reason for my hands to shake as I attempted to open the file, but they did. I was suddenly cold, terrified to find out what was hidden behind the manila cardboard. As I looked down, fingering the first sheet of paper then turning to a birth certificate, all time seemed to stand still. “I don’t understand.”
Hawk shifted closer, peering down. “Is that your birth certificate?”
“I... think so.” My name was certainly etched in the middle, my mother’s name listed as mother. But the person noted as my father wasn’t the man who raised me or cuddled me when I was afraid. “What is this?”
Gage cleared his throat, leaning closer. “I told Hawk that someone had looked into your past, but they weren’t really interested in your previous record. They were digging into your parents. I had a few connections and pulled some strings. Gregory Dunham is your real father. The man you knew as Michael Aspen adopted you when you were a tiny baby.”
“What? How? I mean...” I couldn’t even finish the statement. The hard thudding of my heart made me lightheaded.
“I don’t know why, Kelly, but Mr. Dunham is your birth father.”
Hawk took a deep breath. “Gregory Dunham. As in Dunham Enterprises?”
“Who is that? Why would it matter to anyone?” I was growing more and more exasperated.
“Because Gregory Dunham is a multimillionaire as in close to a billion dollars in worth, maybe even more. Keep looking in the file,” Gage instructed.
Anger swelled from deep within. Why wouldn’t my mother tell me something like this? Why? There was no way it could be true. There had to be a clerical error. I flipped through page after page. The word appeared again—trust—only this time written down. A trust fund had been established in my name in the amount of... Oh, my God. “I don’t get this.”
“I’m no attorney, but from what I read, your real father set up a trust fund for you. Since he had no living relatives, the bulk of his fortune is to be paid after you were married or turned thirty.” Gage snorted, shaking his head. “You’re going to be a very wealthy woman, Ms. Aspen.”
“Wait a minute. Does this have something to do with the elaborate scheme to incarcerate her?” Hawk asked.
“Well, that’s the interesting part. If you were married in the state of California, your husband would be entitled to half your wealth,” Gage said, grinning.
“Josh,” I whispered. “He and his father found out about the trust fund.” I glanced at Gage, taking several deep breaths to keep from passing out. None of this made any sense.
“Yeah. They are wealthy businessmen on paper but given certain... let’s just say issues they’d had, they lost several million dollars over the years. Their investments were more like Ponzi schemes.” Gage hesitated before continuing. “There’s a whole list of what could affect that trust, including if you were incarcerated. A hell of a lot of legal mumbo jumbo, but from what I learned, if you were sent away to prison, you’d lose control of the entire amount to the person in charge of your holdings. So, if you were married...”
He allowed the words to trail off.
“Then my husband would be able to control every dime.”
“Exactly.” Gage blew out a heavy swath of air. “Very complicated ruse.”
“But this ex and his father threw her out, threatened to have her arrested and they weren’t married.”
“That’s not entirely true.” I finally had to admit all the lies I’d kept locked away.
Hawk turned his head toward me, the same resentment and confusion I’d seen when I’d first met him burning from deep within. “Meaning?”
“Meaning that I was the one who ran. They didn’t force me to leave. I was bitter and angry after I found Josh with another woman, knowing she wasn’t the first, but there’s more.” The words sounded so hollow.
“You had information on the clients they were extorting from, evidence that could easily convict them of several crimes.” Gage finished the sentence for me.
I nodded, daring to gaze at the birth certificate again. My entire world had just been turned upside down, twisted in a disgusting manner. The realization was mind-blowing. “Josh never loved me. I was a cash cow. My guess is that’s why I got the job in the first place. I’d long suspected that they were cooking the books and started keeping notes. There were too many shady conversations and the real estate market was soft. One day I was in Josh’s office. I found ledgers he’d kept on his computer. I copied them, uncertain of what I was going to do with them. After I found him with another woman, I knew my time was limited. I just didn’t know the reason why. Montana was the only place that made any sense to me. I had no idea they’d figure out where I’d gone.”
“Your phone. They tracked your phone,” Hawk said in a hushed tone, devoid of emotion.
Gage nodded in affirmation. “That’s likely. If they had any suspicion that you knew about your inheritance, they would have been prepared, planning for several scenarios. Given their connections, they had various ways of tracking your departure and your footsteps.”
“But I didn’t know about the money. That I can swear to you. My mother never told me anything about this Gregory Dunham.” I could tell Hawk had cut me off.
“My guess is there is more to this story and possibly a background. Maybe with your father and the Landosa family,” Gage mused.
Hawk rose to his feet, walking toward the mantel, unable to look me in the eyes.
“I hon
estly don’t know. That is the truth. I wouldn’t keep that from you,” I insisted.
“You mean like you kept everything else a secret?” Hawk asked, although I could see the answer he believed by the way he stayed turned away from me.
An awkward tension settled in.
“I wanted to share this news with you before taking the information to the district attorney. If the connection is made to Sheriff Davis, he’s going to be under lock and key for a very long time and not just for this particular case. He’d been a busy boy for years working with Mr. Landosa on other schemes. Again, it’s about proof right now but there has been an ongoing investigation.” Gage stood, peering down at me. “I know this is a lot to take in and I wouldn’t allow the information regarding your real father to get out just yet.”
“Don’t worry. I’m obviously not getting married so I have no claim to the money,” I retorted, driving the comment in Hawk’s direction.
“But you are about to turn thirty, at least according to your birth certificate,” Gage offered.
My hands started to shake. I’d forgotten all about my upcoming birthday.
“Hawk. Why don’t you two bring the recording down to my office. We also need to find that evidence you have, Ms. Aspen. I doubt you’ve heard the last from the Landosa family. We’ll talk to the district attorney together and you’ll need to press formal charges against Rusty and his crew,” Gage directed.
“Does she have to go? She needs her rest.”
I was surprised at the vehemence in Hawk’s tone.
“Well, I guess not yet. We can get the ball rolling, but she will need to face questions sooner versus later. A couple days isn’t going to matter.”
I gave Gage a half smile, still grappling with the news.
“Get your rest. There’s some additional information in the file in a sealed envelope. That came from Mr. Dunham’s attorney. Gregory died last year but his attorney was instructed to keep tabs on you. When he confirmed that I was an officer of the law, he Fed-exed at least some additional information. I’m certain the attorney will contact you at some point. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you had a right to know.” Gage eased away from the chair.
“Thank you,” I managed. A right? If only my mother were alive.
“I’ll drop by the station in about an hour after getting the evidence you need. I appreciate all your help.” Hawk shook his friend’s hand, the gesture far too cordial and practiced. Every emotion in the man had shut completely down.
“Excellent. Oh, one other thing. Rusty did admit to torching your place so we have the lot of them on arson as well.”
Hawk offered a smile. “That’s good to know. I might have a place to stay one day.”
“Remember, you can always stay with me. Rest up, Ms. Aspen. I’m very sorry about all that you’ve had to go through.”
I watched as Hawk walked him to the door and bristled, waiting for his return. With everything that Hawk had told me the night before, there was no way he could ever trust me again.
He kept his hand on the door for a few seconds before walking toward me, his expression blank. “Where is this evidence.”
“I wrapped a jump drive in tissue paper in the toe of a tennis shoe. It’s in a box on the shelf in my closet.”
He nodded several times. “I’ll go get it.”
“Then I’m coming with you.”
“No. You’re staying right here. No one except Cole and Gage know you’re here so stay in the house.” His words were commanding, not to be questioned. “No matter what you think, there are people out there that will do everything to get their hands on you one way or the other.”
“O-kay.” I moved to a standing position, carefully walking closer. “I had no idea about my real father. My mother never said anything. My father, I mean the man I knew as my father loved me unconditionally.”
He tipped his head, never blinking as he looked into my eyes. “I’ll be back in two hours. Then we’re going to talk.”
“How are you going to get into my house? I don’t have my keys.”
He snorted. “You’re not the only one who can hotwire a car or break into a house, Kelly. Trust me.”
There would be no arguing with the man. He’d shut me down, much like he’d shut out everything in his life. The government had mistreated him, his wife. Now me.
Hawk grabbed his keys and jacket, heading for the door. “Keep this door locked. Do you understand?”
“Yes. I will.”
He gave me another harsh glare before walking out, the hard slam forcing bile in my throat.
Shaking, I stood exactly where I was for almost a full minute before grabbing the file and moving into the kitchen. I sat at the kitchen table, slowly turning page after page. The sealed envelope was nestled in the back.
I was utterly terrified to find out the contents. What more could there be to drive a stake through my relationship, turning my life further upside down? But I had to know. The three-page letter was written in my mother’s handwriting. By the time I started to read, I was crying.
My dearest daughter.
If you’re reading this then I’m already dead. Know that I loved you more than I could have ever loved anyone. Your birth was such a joy to both your father and me, but the happiness came with a price...
I reread the letter three times, finally able to stop the tears from falling. To know that my father had learned of the affair and still wanted me, agreeing to keep the secret was almost too much to bear, but I knew my father had loved me. There had never been a day he treated me as anything but the product of his genes, so happy and proud to call me his daughter.
But everything had been a lie.
I carefully folded the papers, closing the file. For now, I didn’t want or care to read anything else. I sat in the same spot, reflecting on my few amazing memories as a child, wanting nothing more than to go back to those happy times. Why my birth father had never come forward would remain a mystery, but maybe I didn’t want to know that answer.
A profound sadness filled me, even as questions remained. I noticed the phone on the counter and knew what I had to do. I needed to know before I moved on and tried to trust my judgments once again.
If that would ever happen.
I might have lost the love of my life, but I would find a way to repay him for the single joyful time I’d experienced my entire life.
As I picked up the phone, my heart was ready to shut down, but this had to be done.
Chapter Fourteen
The words had remained in the back of my mind, although the anger I continued to experience was even more significant. The little house Kelly had rented had a lovely setting, planters ready for spring flowers, the exterior neat and tidy. Quaint. And so very much like the woman I’d come to know. An ache settled in my heart as I walked onto the porch. This had been her home, a new life.
The shock and bewilderment on her face was substantial and I did believe she’d had no idea about her adoption. She’d simply come to Montana to find peace of mind.
I walked inside, snarling the second I did. Whoever had ransacked the place was obviously looking for the stolen evidence. Furniture was overturned. Pillows had been sliced and the contents dumped. Plates and glasses smashed against the wall.
They’d also wanted to make a statement.
I looked through the various rooms, searching for any telltale sign of the culprits, although I already had my suspicions Rusty and his ‘boys’ had performed the act.
For a price.
The jump drive was exactly where Kelly had placed it, even though everything had been tossed, including the box holding the shoes. I stood in the center of her bedroom, able to see a small portion of the woman who had captured my heart. I was still in a state of shock, uncertain what to make of everything that I’d learned.
How could her mothe
r have kept such a difficult secret?
There was no reason for my anger, at least none that was justified, but the fact remained, I was one enraged man.
I grabbed a suitcase, grabbing everything I thought she’d need. She certainly wasn’t coming back here any time soon. Her protection was required now more than ever. I grabbed the single picture I found, one highlighting three happy and smiling people, the little girl with the flowing red hair obviously one of Kelly and her parents flanking her side. I brushed the shattered glass away, staring at the aura of light surrounding her face.
Could she ever feel joy again?
Hissing, I left her house, standing on the front porch for a few seconds before heading off to my truck. A sickening foreboding feeling remained in my gut. She was certainly more important alive but forcing her into some fake marriage was still a possibility.
Then they’d simply erase her life, obtaining every cent of her fortune.
Besides, Josh knew exactly where she was and if I had to guess, I’d say he was on his way to town.
If he wasn’t already here.
I walked into the sheriff’s station, wasting no time in heading for Gage’s office. He waved me in. The gentleman sitting opposite his desk wasn’t someone I’d met before, but my guess was that he was the district attorney. Gage had wasted no time.
“Hawk. This is Juan Martinez, the district attorney I was telling you about.” Gage rose to his feet.
“Good to meet you,” Juan said, reaching out to shake my hand. “The sheriff has updated me on recent developments. At this point, all I need is the tape.”
I yanked the cell phone from my pocket, plopping it down and moving until I was able to start the recording.
“And that little redhead. She has a mighty fine taste. Yum. Yum. Her pussy is just as sweet as cantaloupe. Ain’t that right, boys? You have no idea just how good it was to touch her. Taste her. And that shit at the bar? She thought she was something, actually trying to fight me off. She learned her lesson good.”