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Austin Page 16

  “You sure about that?” When he reached out to swat me, I ran toward my car, laughing. “Bully.”

  “Uh-huh. You need someone to make sure you’re a good girl.”

  “Oh, that’s not going to happen.” I grabbed the phone, studying the screen. “I’ll always be a bad girl.” Thank God, no one had called; however, I bet email was something else entirely.

  “What about the threat you received?”

  “It was just a single line on my phone. Stop worrying.”

  “I need to see it.”

  “Vader. It’s no big deal.”

  He dropped the piece of wood he was holding, taking giant strides in my direction, holding out his hand. “Like hell it isn’t. Show it to me, Franny. I’m not kidding.”

  Sighing, I knew he wasn’t going to let me get away without showing him. I pulled up the text, holding out the phone. “See? No way to determine who sent it.” When he took a deep breath, I cringed, forgetting that I’d issued a nasty answer. Before he had a chance to chastise me, my phone rang.

  He lifted his gaze slowly, walking away, growling under his breath.

  Shit. Why the hell was the asshole calling? I turned around, trying to move out of earshot before answering. “What do you want?”

  “And good morning to you, darling Francesca.”

  Just hearing Mitchell’s voice sent chills down my spine. “As I said. What do you want, Mitchell?”

  He snorted, his cackling laughter making me burn inside. My hand was so firmly wrapped around my phone I was certain I wouldn’t just crack the screen but break the entire thing. Maybe that was a good idea. I was certainly changing my number after today.

  Just like I’d changed my locks more than once.

  While Mitchell had never stayed in the house I’d purchased, he’d forced his way in once. And I’d been convinced he’d somehow stolen an extra key. Maybe a small part of me was still afraid of him after all.

  “Fine, Franny. Have it your way. The damn stocks have been signed over. They’re being couriered to your office; that is, if you’re actually working today.”

  He loved his passive aggressive bullshit and I refused to fall into it this morning. “Just another day, Mitchell.”

  “I expect you’ll sign over the papers to my property today. Today!”

  “Uh-huh. If I get a chance.” I ended the call, holding my breath for a few seconds before I was able to plaster on a smile. When I turned around, the look on Vader’s face was unreadable, especially since he was wearing the damn sunglasses.

  “You all right?”

  “Fine. Just… Just work. Sometimes I hate what I do, but I do need to get going.” I inched closer, uncertain what to say to him.

  “I need your number,” he said, the same damn commanding tone.

  “Okay. Can I have yours?”

  He yanked out his phone, not bothering to answer. After exchanging, I hesitated, hoping he’d say something.


  He was his usual silent and sullen self.

  “I had a great time.”

  Say something. Anything.

  When he didn’t, I backed away, trying to move to my car before tearing up.

  “Come here, Franny,” he commanded.


  “Because I told you to.”

  Memories of the dream surfaced, creating butterflies. I sauntered closer and as soon as I was within arm’s reach, he snagged my wrist, yanking me against him.

  “What do you want?” I asked.

  When he fisted my hair, pulling me onto my tiptoes, I yanked off his sunglasses.

  “What do I want?” he repeated.


  “Everything.” He crushed his mouth over mine, digging his fingers into the back of my head. The kiss was more spectacular than the night before, the feel of him sending ripples and waves of desire as always, but it was even more intense. I could become lost in him, forgetting about everything else that I deemed important.

  The taste of him was so sweet.

  The feel of his shirt, damp from perspiration, inviting.

  The scent of him, so masculine and full of testosterone, making me lightheaded.

  When he finally pulled away, he shook his head slightly. “I don’t know what the hell we’re doing, Franny, but I do know I don’t want it to end.”

  “Neither do I. Maybe dinner tonight? I’ll cook.”

  I could tell instantly that he believed I didn’t want to be seen with him in public. The hurt in his eyes sent a dagger into my heart.

  “Or… I know a little Italian joint.”

  “You choose,” he said, breaking his hold completely.

  “All right. I will.” When I donned his sunglasses, he shook his head.

  “Oh, no, you don’t. Give them up.”

  “Not a chance, buster. You’ll just have to try and get them from me tonight.” Laughing, I moved toward the car.


  “You bet I am. What are you going to do about it?”

  He stood shaking his head, his legs wide apart and his arms crossed looking like an enforcer. For a few seconds, I wondered if that’s exactly what I’d needed all along.


  She’d lied to me. Why?

  I’d seen the number on the screen, had remembered the name of her ex. What the hell was she trying to prove? I’d been around men like him before. They enjoyed playing games, breaking someone down until there was nothing left. And from what little she’d told me, the bastard planned on continuing his reign of terror.

  Well, not if I had anything to say about it.

  While Missoula had changed since I’d left, the basics were the same, including the high-rent district for commercial businesses, the locations where the powerful, influential people worked.

  A portion had been called attorney row for as long as I could remember. True to form, the firm names were enough to create bile in my throat. Some things never changed. After the crap we’d been through in Afghanistan, attorneys weren’t high on my list.

  I strode into the office, glaring at the receptionist. I hadn’t bothered to change. This wasn’t a social visit. “Mitchell Montgomery.”

  “Um…” The girl was startled, obviously by my threatening looks. “Is he expecting you?”

  Sighing, I leaned over. “You can tell Mitchell that this is about Francesca as well as the property she owes him and that I need to see him.” I’d overheard Mitchell’s phone call, the pontificating asshole loud enough.

  She seemed confused at first then moved to her phone, pressing a single button. “Mr. Montgomery. There’s someone to see you. He says he’s here about Francesca and some property. He needs to talk to you.”

  I knew the asshole wouldn’t pass up a chance to see if he could find more dirt on her. He wanted whatever property they shared enough he’d resort to whatever tactics were necessary.

  “Mr. Montgomery will see you now. His office is at the end of the hall.”

  Of course it was.

  There wasn’t an employee in the place who didn’t stop to stare at the scary man as he passed by. When I burst into Mitchell’s office unannounced, the quick scan he gave me didn’t create a single reaction. Maybe he was used to dealing with animals.

  And that’s all I was at this point.

  One pissed-off beast.

  “You have something about my ex-wife? Whatever it is, you need to hurry. I have a tee-off in thirty minutes.”

  His smug look was enough to push my rage to the surface. There was no need for hesitation or even announcement of what I was going to do. Within seconds, I had him pinned to the wall, my fingers firmly planted around his throat. When I managed to lift him a few inches off the floor, the surprise in his eyes was worth whatever wrath I might face.

  “I’m only going to say this one time, fucker. Leave Francesca alone. She’s not going to take your shit or your abuse any longer. Somehow, I doubt that any of your peers would take it kindly that you abused h
er. Do you?”

  While he’d slapped his hands around my arms, he managed to maintain his crooked smile.

  The fucker had no idea who he was dealing with.

  I twisted my hand, the pressure enough he wheezed. “Do we have an understanding?”

  “Fine,” he managed, the sound little more than a hiss.

  The bad man inside of me wanted nothing more than to continue my strangling hold until he passed out, but that wouldn’t bode well for whatever future I might have.

  I let him down but held him in place, towering over him and lowering my head. I couldn’t stand being so close to the motherfucker, but I had to ensure that he heard me loud and clear.

  “If you so much as contact her again or threaten her in any way, you’re going to find it difficult to get a job in this town, or any for that matter, especially since you won’t have a tongue. Are we clear?” I eased back on the pressure so he could answer.

  “Who the fuck are you?”

  I took a step away, enjoying the way he slumped against the wall. “Just call me her protector.” Laughing, I took two steps back before turning around and walking toward the door.

  “No one threatens me, jerkoff. When I find out who you are, trust me, you’re going to regret the day you walked into my office. The woman belongs to me.”

  Stopping short, I merely glanced over my shoulder, locking eyes with his. “Not now. Not ever. Remember what I said. If not, I’ll become your greatest nightmare.”

  I didn’t wait for a reply nor did I give a damn. He’d heard me loud and clear, although a large part of me wanted him to try something again. Then I would make good on my promise.

  After all, I never made threats.


  “What’s with all the clandestine shit?” I asked as I eased into the seat opposite Katie. She seemed nervous, which wasn’t like her at all. I’d stopped by my house, not only changing clothes but leaving the truck in the driveway, donning my illustrious senator mode, the one I was beginning to hate.

  “Is there something wrong with having coffee with my bestie?” Katie asked, laughing nervously.

  “Nothing, except you pulled me to the outskirts of town to a coffee shop I had to look up online. Unless you’re doing a report on the upcoming rodeo, I’m curious as to why here.”

  She huffed, fiddling with her coffee cup. “I have to be nuts, Franny.”

  “You are, but exactly what are we talking about?” I grinned but I could see she was in no mood for bantering. “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know if wrong is the correct word. Yet. I know you think there’s more going on with these fires and at first, I wasn’t buying it until the last fire occurred. I started sniffing around and very quickly ran into roadblocks.”

  Now she had my attention. “Go on.”

  “Don’t get too excited because I’m not certain it really means anything.”


  “There have been five properties that burned, although the very first one occurred eight months ago, and no one has really considered a connection. However, they were all insured by the same company.”

  “No, they weren’t. That was the first thing I checked.”

  “It’s complicated. I had to weed through a lot of information and call in a few favors. I should have said the same umbrella company. That is until they were dissolved a couple weeks ago, broken into parts.”

  “Which is why each policy is from a different insurance company?’

  Kate nodded. “Now, it might not mean anything, but it’s a connection.”

  I took a sip of coffee, thinking about what she’d told me. “But why would an insurance company burn down their own buildings? That doesn’t make any sense.”

  “No, it doesn’t. I know, but I also don’t believe in coincidences.”

  “You’re right. Can you keep searching? There has to be more to this.”

  “I’ll see what I can find, but given the authorities are convinced that they were all accidents, I don’t think I’ll get very far.”

  “I’m certain the gas company is thrilled about this.”

  Kate snorted. “Look, I have no love loss for Montana Gas, but they’re being railroaded in a sense with this if, and that’s a huge if, the fires were intentionally set. However, it’s about time they get off their asses and get the lines changed. Maybe this is the push they needed.”

  “Maybe.” I shook my head. “I just have a bad feeling about this.”

  “What about the threat you received? Anything to go on there?”

  “No. Given I receive threats like regular mail, I can’t be certain the text was directed because of my investigation.”

  “You should be careful.”

  I leaned over the table, narrowing my eyes. “Why, Katie? What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Just a gut feeling, girlfriend. I’ve been in the business for years. My instincts are pretty damn good.”

  “Then what are they telling you?”

  “That the fires were purposely set and that more people could get hurt. If it’s a cover-up, you’re walking into dangerous territory. Given your status in the community, it might be the perfect opportunity for someone to… make good on their threats.”

  While Katie had warned me on more than one occasion to stop hard-balling the ranchers, I certainly didn’t think burning down a few buildings in Missoula was tops on their agenda. Someone else had a very good reason. “Let them try. I’m tired of walking on eggshells. It’s all about the land. I’m certain of it.”

  “I’ll keep searching, but if you’re right, the only way to prove your theory might be if the arsonist makes a mistake. Just promise me that you’ll be careful. Maybe you need a bodyguard or something until all of this is over.”

  Why I blushed, I would never know, but between the warmth creeping up on my face and the explosive heat remaining crisscrossed on my aching bottom, a series of shivers ran smack down the backs of my legs.

  “Wait a minute. I know that face. You’re still seeing Vader, aren’t you?”

  “I’m an adult. I can do what I want.”

  She shook her head.

  “He’s very protective, Katie. Stop worrying.”


  “And… he has a way with ice cream.”

  “What?” She laughed, her eyes lighting up.

  “Let’s just say, ooh-la-la baby.”

  We laughed for a little while then she placed her hand on mine, a gesture she’d never done in our entire friendship. “Just be careful, Franny. Like I said, I have a bad feeling about this whole thing and that doesn’t happen very often.”

  “I’ll be careful. Don’t worry. Just do me a favor and see if you can sniff around the other owners a little bit. The motel owner was threatened about not selling. My guess is so were the others, but they haven’t returned my phone calls. Well, one did then promptly ended the communication.”

  “Okay, I’ll let you know what I find.” Katie shook her head. “You are one tenacious woman, Senator.”

  “I’m just me. You know how I am.”

  “Yeah, a dog to a bone.”

  “Just out of curiosity. What was the location of the first fire?”

  “Another motel. It was close to the restaurant that burned, which was in proximity to the Big Sky Motel all things being equal, but given the other two properties weren’t, that’s nothing to go on either. It actually adds credence to the gas line belief.”

  I sat back, hating the nasty taste of the coffee. Maybe everything had a bitter taste. Except for Vader. A laugh pushed up from my throat. “I need the name of your military contact.”


  “Because I have a few questions of my own.” I made certain she could tell by my eyes that I was serious.

  “I can’t give up my sources. You know that.”

  “What I know is that five men are likely to be crucified for a situation involving fallen soldiers, one that should have become top priority for t
he United States Marines. Instead, they ignored the situation, forcing five honorable men to make an impossible choice. I’m not going to allow that to happen.”

  “You really care about Vader.”

  I thought about her question before answering. “The truth is that I’m falling in love with him.”

  Katie didn’t seem surprised. “Okay. I’ll email his contact information but be prepared for pushback.”

  “That I can handle.”

  “I know you can.”

  “Well, I need to get to work.”

  Katie gave me a mischievous grin. “Have fun with your… ice cream.”

  “Such a bad girl.”

  “Look who’s talking.”

  I was unable to get her words out of my mind as I drove to the office. I had a feeling Katie had neglected to tell me something. Maybe she had her reasons. Maybe I was nuts for persevering.

  The minute I walked into my office, Janine was on her feet, meeting me halfway. “Janine. Is everything all right?”

  “I tried to call you.”

  “I’m sorry. I had a meeting. What’s up?” I eyed my closed office door and sighed. If Mitchell had stopped by again, I was getting a restraining order.

  “There’s someone here to see you.”

  “My ex?”

  She shook her head. “No, but there was a package delivered for you from a courier.”

  “Who did you invite into my office, Janine?”

  “The sheriff.”

  Great. My day had just gotten significantly better. “Okay. I’ll handle it from here.” I hesitated outside my door before walking in. “Sheriff Robertson. What do I owe the pleasure?”

  She stood by my window, gazing out at the street below. “It would seem you have developed an investigation of your own into the fires, Senator.”

  “As I told you, I had questions.”

  “Yes, well, from what I’ve heard, you’ve been hassling the owners of the affected properties.”

  Sighing, I put my briefcase on the floor. “I simply attempted to ask them a few questions.”

  “Senator. Does this have anything to do with the fact you were at Big Sky Motel the night of the fire?”

  When she turned slowly, giving me a gloating look, I made certain I smiled. “That’s none of your business, Sheriff.”