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Page 15
“Stop. Okay? Just stop.”
“Not until you’ve learned your lesson.”
I could no longer breathe, my mind shutting down. Explosive heat skipped along my bottom like jabbing rounds of electricity. And the brute refused to stop.
There was no way of telling how long the ruthless punishment lasted but when I no longer heard the echoes pounding in my ears, I tried to push away from the tree.
Vader grabbed me around the waist, twisting me around to face him, immediately entangling his fingers in my hair. “I’ve never wanted you as much as I do right now.”
There was so much passion in the man, his entire body erupting in electric vibrations. He was rock hard as he yanked me against the heat of his body, taking gasping breaths as he stared down at me. There was no fighting our combined desire, no sense in ignoring what had kept me awake the night before. I wanted this man. I craved him to the point of sheer madness, my inability to stay away from him likely damning.
But I no longer cared.
I clung to his shirt as he forced my head into a tilt, slowly lowering his. Blinking furiously, I had no ability to focus or think clearly.
Other than about my burning hunger eating at my insides.
When he finally allowed our lips to touch, I couldn’t stop a series of moans. He held me close, brushing his lips back and forth, further exacerbating my desire. He was in full control, doing everything he could to remind me in no uncertain terms that I belonged to him.
I slowly crawled my hands up to his shoulders, using both hands to stroke his neck. Even the tips of my fingers were seared from the light touch and I was no longer able to feel my legs. His powerful effect over me grabbed at my sanity, dragging me into utter bliss when all he was doing was holding me.
“I’m going to devour you,” he said with no inflection. When he finally allowed our lips to touch, I shimmied in his hold. He slowly pushed my lips open, darting his tongue inside, tasting me. All as a precursor to ravaging every inch of my body.
The heat continued to build between us as the kiss became more intense, his guttural sounds matching my own, and I dug my fingers into the back of his neck. I was hindered by the position of my jeans, held captive by the savage man, and a thrill skimmed all throughout my body at the thought.
He continued the rugged intimacy for a full minute, dominating my tongue as he explored the dark recesses of my mouth. Then he slowly lowered me to the blanket, hovering over me and finally breaking the kiss. A chuckle rose from the depths of his being as he bit down on my chin.
When he sat back, I tried to focus, watching as he yanked his shirt over his shoulders, tossing the unwanted material. While my bottom ached, the blanket scratching every inch of affected skin, as crazy as it was, the sensations continued to build the excitement and desire. His next act was to remove my tee shirt, taking his time as he studied me. I could swear he was looking directly into my soul. While the heat between us was combustible, there was something almost chilling about his actions. More permanent.
As if he already owned me.
The way he removed my bra was so gentle, rolling the straps down my arms carefully. When he finally pushed it aside, he cupped my breasts, leaning over and licking between them. He made soft breathing sounds as he swirled his fingers around my nipples, enticing every inch of my body.
I couldn’t stop a series of whimpers from escaping as my heart continued to thud rapidly. When he sucked on first one nipple then the other, I jerked up from the blanket, gripping his shoulders. His expression that of a carnivore, he made several animalistic sounds as he dragged his rough tongue down my stomach.
I closed my eyes as he lowered my jeans and panties, moving oh-so slowly in his effort. When I was completely naked, I suddenly couldn’t feel his presence any longer. My eyes hazy, I made certain he was still in close proximity, enjoying the view as he finished undressing. His magnificence was unequaled, every inch of him laced with raw sexuality.
As he crouched down, he took his time rubbing his fingers up and down both of my legs, creating wave after wave of shivers. I found it difficult to breathe as he continued his exploration, sliding his fingers from one hipbone to the other. He seemed mesmerized by what he was doing, his eyes glassy, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Even his nostrils were flared as his breathing coming in ragged pants.
The second he eased my legs apart, I gasped, feeling vulnerable although I knew in my heart that he’d make good on his promise never to allow anything to happen to me. Our closeness was odd, the connection unlike anything I’d ever experienced. I found it difficult to rationalize and a part of me didn’t want to. I simply wanted to enjoy every second of being with him. There were no grandiose expectations, no belief that we’d ride off into the sunset together.
But we had here and now, savoring the moments of exploration and filthy sin.
Every action he made was deliberate, his eyes never leaving mine as he placed his hands on either side of me, slowly lowering down between my legs. There was such intensity about the man, an almost desperate need to take what I knew he believed belonged to him.
“I can’t wait to be inside of you,” he whispered. “I want to rock your world.”
He had no way of knowing that he already had. Purring, I palmed his chest, digging my fingertips in as he blew a swath of hot air across my face. I was surprised at his level of control, pressing his lips across my forehead then down the bridge of my nose.
Every part of me ached, the longing increasing to an insatiable level. While my bottom continued to ache, the excitement I felt counteracted the previous pain. All I cared about was to have his cock buried deep inside.
After a few additional seconds, every one of them driving me crazy, he leaned back. “Are you ready for me?”
To answer, I slid my hand down, wrapping it around his throbbing cock and positioning the tip just past my swollen folds. His smile was pure evil, a statement of dominance. Keeping his balance, he yanked first one leg around his thighs then the other before sliding his shaft in an inch at a time, thrusting the last few.
“Oh. Oh…” The way he stretched my muscles, filling me so completely was electrifying, keeping me on edge.
“So tight.”
“Uh-huh.” I closed my eyes, sliding my hands over his shoulders as the pleasure continued to increase. When I clamped my muscles around the thick invasion purposely, he let off several growls.
“You’re not in control. You never will be.”
I adored the sound of his voice, the way every syllable clearly indicated his command. I could only imagine him as a soldier, providing instructions in a way that made certain no one ever questioned him. The thought alone gave me shivers.
Vader hovered above me, pulling all the way out then plunging inside again, holding his cock inside, then repeated his actions. The force was just enough my breath was stolen, every sound I made ragged.
I entwined my feet together, gripping his shoulders as he powered into me, the hard slapping echoing into the surrounding trees.
Every one of his muscles were strained, veins bulging from his neck as he fucked me brutally, his hot breath skipping across my skin and creating lines and zigzags of prickles. My pussy clamped and released involuntarily as the sensations began shooting through me like bottle rockets. There was no holding back a climax, no way to stymy the rush of ecstasy as it roared through me.
“I’m going to… Oh, yes. Oh…” I jerked up from the blanket, tossing my head back and forth as the orgasm became a tidal wave, bliss erupting in every portion of my body.
Vader tipped his head back and roared, announcing his conquest to anyone who cared to listen. His actions nothing but from a savage, he pumped like a wild man, driving me to new heights of pleasure.
No longer would there just be a single orgasm. One melded into a second.
Then a third.
Every synapse and muscle was on fire, the heat searing my veins as it mixed with my blood. And the pounding
of my heart had to be audible yards away. I pounded on his chest as the climax refused to let me go, the rippling effect like firecrackers in the summer heat.
When I was able to breathe, I rolled my head to the side, still trying to focus as he ravaged me. I knew he could go on for an extended period of time, bringing me to countless other orgasms. But I also sensed his desire to explode deep into me.
This time, I clamped down, squeezing with everything I had. The second his body tensed, I relaxed then repeated the move.
“Fuck. Fuck!” he hissed as he exploded, filling me with his hot seed, his body shaking violently.
Nothing could be better than this.
Being with him was… perfect.
The bright orange of the flames was surprisingly comforting, even though it brought me back to thoughts regarding the motel fire. However, I’d never felt so comfortable sitting on the floor in front of a big stone fireplace as much as I did at this moment.
On two blankets.
On a hard wooden floor.
In a gutted, dilapidated house.
With only the fire and two camping lamps as company.
With the man I was falling far too hard for.
And I didn’t have a care in the world. I hadn’t called to check on the office. I hadn’t thought about leaving. I was comfortable being here.
With him.
At least I’d had the forethought of bringing a few select supplies. After Hawk had told me about the house, I’d taken it upon myself to prepare a pseudo picnic basket.
Complete with ice cream in a cooler.
Maybe I’d been fooling myself or pretending that living in the fantasy was much better than real life, but I was glad I’d brought everything.
I watched him as he expertly opened a bottle of wine, pulling the two acrylic wineglasses into one hand and pouring a hefty amount. There didn’t seem to be anything he couldn’t do. He must have realized I was staring at him and when he tilted his head, flames flickered in his eyes.
We’d remained quiet for several minutes, both lost in our thoughts. Maybe we had nothing else to say or perhaps we were afraid to say anything more. He had his life and I had mine, our connection brought on by a slimy night and a different route home.
But I was damn glad I’d taken the chance picking up one sexy as fuck hitchhiker.
After handing me a glass, he opened the cooler for the third time, chuckling under his breath.
“What’s so funny?”
“Do you have any idea how long it had been since I had ice cream before the other night?”
I smiled, licking around the rim of the glass. “I’m going to guess years.”
“Since before I left Montana. One of the things I missed the most, as crazy as that sounds.” A faraway look formed in his eyes.
“It’s not crazy at all. I think we miss the simplest things in life.”
As if to prove the point, he put his glass down then grabbed the carton, ripping off the top and rummaging for one of the spoons I’d brought. Every sound he made was that of a hungry animal, so exaggerated and so damn sexy. When he swiped my nose with the cold cream, I yelped, pushing my hand against his chest.
He burst into laughter, not controlled as I’d heard before, but so happy and alive. I was drawn to the sound, unable to take my eyes off him as he took several large bites, murmuring every time he swallowed. And for the first time in so damn long, real tears slipped past my lashes, sliding down my face.
Floored, I tried to hide them, looking away and wiping them furiously.
But he was having none of it.
Grabbing my chin, he forced me to look at him, returning the ice cream and turning his full attention in my direction. “You need to tell me what’s going on.”
“It’s nothing. He can’t hurt me any longer.”
“Is this about the divorce?”
I laughed even as the tears continued to fall. “No. I had a shark for an attorney. Mitchell, my jerkoff of an ex was crushed in court.”
Vader cocked his head. “Then what?” When I didn’t answer immediately, he exhaled. “He hurt you. Didn’t he?”
I laughed softly, licking salty beads from the top of my mouth. “It’s amazing what can go on behind closed doors. Mitchell was the epitome of the perfect catch. Handsome. Wealthy. God, the man could dance. When he walked into a room, there wasn’t a person who didn’t stop and stare at him. He had that kind of power. We fell in love and I thought I’d grabbed the fairytale. Until three months into our marriage, it was.”
I couldn’t believe I was telling him my wretched story. Other than Katie, I hadn’t told anyone. I’d been too embarrassed, humiliated by my stupidity. There wasn’t a muscle in his body that hadn’t tensed, his jaw clenched.
“Anyway, it was the classic story you’ve heard before. It started with little things that I ignored, trying to buy into his heavy workload and long hours. Then everything escalated. He wanted to control my clothing. My makeup. My friends. And I started to allow him until one night when he punched me once in the face, a second time in my stomach. That had been the day I found out he had a string of women on the side and I let him know I was aware. After knocking me to the floor, the bastard had stood over me, screaming how horrible I was. That very night, I walked out and never looked back. He’s lucky I didn’t gut him. Oh, and he’s threatened to ruin me on several occasions, but nothing he can say will ever hurt me again.”
The quiet was horrifying.
Then I saw the look in his eyes.
He believed he was no different.
I crowded his space, crawling between his legs, forcing him to look at me. “There’s a significant difference between an abusive man who cares about nothing and no one but himself and a loving, dominating man who would do anything to protect the woman he cares about.”
Vader took several deep breaths, the expression on his face chilling.
I pressed my hand against his face, brushing the tips of my fingers back and forth.
“Don’t, Vader. I’m okay. Really. I got out of there and never looked back. There’s nothing he can say that I’m going to allow to matter. This is my life. Mine.”
His wrapped his arm around me, holding me as if terrified to let me go. “I will make you another promise. That fuck will never hurt you again. So. Help. Me. God.”
While his words were just as chilling, they were also comforting. I closed my eyes, enjoying the beating of his heart. “I have a silly request. Can we stay here tonight?”
He seemed surprised, chuckling slightly. “You want to stay here?”
“As long as you’re here, it doesn’t matter where we are.”
While the words came easily, I was still surprised by them, yet there was no place I’d rather be.
In his arms.
In his bed.
And in his heart.
Dear God. I was falling in love.
Chapter 12
“Come to me, Franny.”
The glint in Vader’s eyes was carnal. As he stood in all his naked glory, he beckoned me with a single finger.
“Yes, sir.”
“And do you know why?” he asked, a sly smile curling on his face. “Because I own you.”
The sound was jarring, forcing a strangled moan. I blinked several times, struggling to make sense of what I’d heard. When I noticed the open front door, I was able to breathe easier, delicious memories of the night before giving me a series of tingles. Vader was already hard at work.
I glanced at my watch, shocked that it was after eight in the morning. I never slept past six, even when I’d had a sleepless night.
Nothing a hot few rounds of sex hadn’t cured.
A grin remained on my face as I yanked one of the blankets around me, huddling in the soft layers as I thought about the time we’d shared. He’d held me for almost two hours, only moving to add wood to the fire. There’d been no need to talk, although I’d wanted to pepper him w
ith questions. Somehow, it didn’t seem to be the right moment.
Then he’d held me all night, waking me once, taking me all over again. I was sore and satisfied.
And happy.
Was that even possible?
But I had to get back to real life. No more playing hooky. I walked toward the window, watching as he cut wood, allowing myself to enjoy the view for a few seconds, sighing from just the sight of him. Reaching under the blanket, I rubbed my hand across my aching buttocks. The heat was still intense. I could only imagine just how red my skin was. Smiling, I grabbed my clothes and dressed. Then I walked outside, leaning over the railing, fighting the urge to moan as my jeans scraped across my ass cheeks.
Within seconds, he stopped what he was doing, tipping his head and yanking off his sunglasses. He was such a powerful man in his own right, yet hidden under his scarred and sculpted body, his resolve remained challenged.
“I hope you didn’t mind I let you sleep. You looked so peaceful.”
“Did you sleep?” As soon as I asked the question, he looked away.
“I don’t sleep much. Don’t need to.”
“Which means you had another nightmare.”
He laughed softly. “Not as bad as before. Maybe because I went to Snake’s grave.”
“You didn’t tell me that.” I slowly walked off the porch, careful to avoid the broken slat. I shoved my hands into my pockets as I approached.
“Nothing to tell. Something I had to do.”
He’d shut down just like he’d been before.
“Well, I will have to get back to work at some point. You’re a bad influence, hunky Marine.”
He finally grinned. “I didn’t hear any complaining.”
“Mmm… No. You’re right. I’m going to grab my phone and see if there’s any reception out here. I should check in with my assistant to see if there are any emergencies.”
“The house isn’t in the boonies, little brat.”